The true test of a designer is someone who has their own sense of style. As soon as you see the quilt, you know who did it without even looking at the name. Brigitte Heitland of Zen Chic is such a designer. And, her designs cross generations.
Case in point – Stitched Denim! This 65 inch square quilt is a perfect throw size and who doesn’t love 50 shades of blue???

London Blues reminds me of the subway tiles that are so popular now. What a dramatic statement – with plenty of room to show off some machine quilting! I can’t wait to see it at Market!

Blue Labyrinth is a stunning take on a half log cabin block. By making the “logs” different widths, it almost gives the illusion of curves.

And then there is Groovin’ – a modern take on the arcs of a traditional wedding ring.

She has also written two booklets – The Basic Series. Each one has a variety of projects that focus on a specific technique. Log Cabin Fun explores her take on this oh so traditional block!

All of these are due to arrive later this month so order them now!