The newest patterns by Terry Atkinson are easily recognizable – they just exude her style! Floating Peaks can be made from fat eighths or 10″ squares. The points are floating so they will be perfect every time! The finished size is 15.5″ x 38″ – which means the backing can be cut from the width of fabric. Or, since you won’t be able to make just one, two can be backed with just 1 1/4 yards of fabric.

This pattern features the Creative Grids 60 degree triangle ruler.

Pint Size Parking is perfect for holding pint sized canning jars.Pick a pretty pair of fabrics – a fat quarter of the main fabric and a half yard of the lining and contrast – is all you need! These little treasures are the perfect copliment for picnics, parties, or any room in the house.

Both patterns will be available next month!