The latest Creative Grids “Round Up” tool designed by Terry Atkinson is so popular that two of our favorite designers have used it in their own projects.

Item #CGRATK1 Retail $22.45
This place mat designed by Margaret Travis is so fast and simple that you won’t make just one…or two…or four….
Berries and Leaves Place Mat

Item #CLPMTR014
This table runner by Deb Heatherly is a simple version of an old fashioned Cathedral Window pattern — and so much easier!

Item #CLPDHE007
Or combine this tool with the Strippy Stars Tool for a spectacular effect…
Blooming Stars Runner

Item #CLPDHE008

Item #CGRDH2 Retail $17.95
Display these with Terry’s patterns to create a complete display. All, can be completed in an afternoon…

Item #CLPTAK002
Orange Peel Table Runner
So striking – and a great way to show off some machine quilting!

Item #CLPTAK001
Krista’s Kitchen Hot Pads
I used this pattern as a Make It/Take It in a class last month. Ten women went home and made 56 more for gifts! Now that is a great pattern!

Item #ATK183 Retail $9.50
Terry’s Table Placemats
Can’t you picture these on a table with your favorite Fiestaware? Mixing and matching is even more fun.

Item #ATK184 Retail $9.50
The colors in these baby quilts are the perfect choice for the new generations of babies!

Item #ATK185 Retail $9.50
Why not let your customers enjoy creating a project in an afternoon!