Matariki is the Maori name for the Pleiades constellation which appears in the middle of winter in the Southern Hemisphere. It signals the changing of the seasons to a new planting year. Like New Year in the Northern hemisphere, Matariki marks the time for reflecting on times past and looking forward to the future. Hence, the title – Hexies are Heavenly is perfect for this quilt! Matariki is a ‘Block of the Month’ by Sheila Christensen Quilts #SCQBOMCOMP.

You can bring back the rich colors of civilizations past with the Museum colorway, or look forward to the future with the Spectrum colorway, the choice is yours and the resulting quilt will look very different depending on which you choose.
All of the pieces for this quilt are cut from strips and use the Creative Grids® 60-degree Triangle 12-1/2in Quilt Ruler #CGRT12560. Everything is straight seams so it is a perfect choice for machine piecing but it can be hand pieced as well.
. Everything is straight seams so it is a perfect choice for machine piecing but it can be hand pieced as well.
This quilt is made up of 18 hexagonal blocks each measuring 12” high with setting triangles in between. It is written as a 10-month block of the month program. What a great way to introduce your students to the possibilities of a pieced hexie!