New Embroidery Fabrics from Cosmo from Lecien Japan, Inc.

This is 100% cotton canvas cloth for freestyle stitching. It has the perfect thickness to smooth needling with a unique texture produced with subtly fluctuating yarn. Best for beginners to practice embroidery, these beautiful colors expand their basic line.

The texture reminds me of quality linen.

These additional colors are due to arrive later this month so place your orders now.

The next Generation of Zippers – Jelly Beads Style

Lecien is releasing a new product – Jelly Bead Zippers – in May.  The “teeth” of these zippers weave together in such an interesting way that I can’t wait to see what designers do with them!
Item #57671-50  Retail $14.40

They are a little over 31″ long and come with a zipper pull.  The colors are just plain fun!  Check out some of the possibilities.
Item #57671-70  Retail $14.40

The packaging is even cute!
Item #57671-10  Retail $14.40

To see all of the color choices, visit out website.