Kim Brackett has created 18 new designs using our favorite sizes – 2 1/2″; 5″ and 10″ pre-cuts. For those of us, however, who can no longer close the door on our stashes – she gives cutting instructions for yardage as well. These projects were made from an eclectic collection of fabrics. Learn how to combine traditional prints with solids, florals and batiks. Sometimes crossing genres adds that spark to your quilts. Aren’t we all looking for that awe factor? Scrap-Basket Strips and Squares by Kim Brackett #B1327T
In this case, a picture is definitely worth a thousand words so here is some eye candy just for you!
- Wildflowers
- Touch a Star
- Half Hitch
- Pinwheels
- Sunday Best
This should be displayed in a place of honor right next to your pre-cuts!