New from Elizabeth Hartman

You already know who will want them – and they have very good taste! Who could resist either one???

Puppies comes in two sizes – I have included the back of the pattern so you can check out her fabric choices as well.

The Puppies
The Puppies

Dinosaurs comes in two sizes as well.



Both of these would make great accessory accents as well – pillows, pictures, the side of a diaper bag….let your imagination take flight! Visit our website to see everything by Elizabeth Hartman. These patterns are expected in th end of May so order them now because you know everyone is going to want them!

A Trio of Unicorns

When three unicorn patterns appear in the top 100, you know they are becoming mainstream! Unicorns are not just for pre-tens anymore! Whimsey is the order of the day!

Nola is a collage by Laura Heine that is the stuff that dreams are made of!

Lisa the Unicorn by Elizabeth Hartman is created with 2 1/2″ strips.

Whether you choose to create a unicorn or horse, Violet Craft’s techniques can help make that a reality.

Each pattern showcases a different technique and would be great additions to your class schedule!


Elizabeth Hartman Shines

Elizabeth’s booth at Market made everyone smile. Here is a sampling of her new patterns. Spectacular Savanna uses four different Robert Kaufman Kona cottons – Pepper, Snow, Wasabi, and Metal.

Leafy Quilt is stunning and makes me yearn for tropical climes!

Who doesn’t love Lemurs and a whole quilt of them? Even better!

Leafy and Lemur patterns are already in stock. Savanna will be coming soon!

New by Elizabeth Hartman

The bees have it! Look at these great new patterns that are being released at Quilt Market by Elizabeth Hartman – fabric kit available in February, pattern available November 1!

My favorite? Who can resist Norm and Nanette? And it is layer cake friendly. A kit will be available in February as well as fat quarters and other pre-cuts.

Or go Cukoo (Kit available in February):

Order them now – the patterns are due to arrive November 1.

Elizabeth Hartman visits the Arctic

One look at this pic and you will be an Elizabeth Hartman fan for life! How cute are these penguins:









I predict this will be the number one baby quilt this year!

In fact this season she has gone to the birds – and yes, I checked, a penguin is considered a bird….









If you want more of a challenge, try North Stars – an assortment of your favorite critters. This quilt just screams Pacific Northwest:






The patterns are due to arrive this month. But they feature a fabric line – Arctic – which is due to arrive in August.

Elizabeth Hartman Does It Again!

Just in time for Market, Elizabeth Hartman is releasing three new patterns due to arrive the first week in November. Delightful Desert includes nine new animal and plant designs – and could be the basis of your next Block of the Month program!









This pattern is fat quarter friendly – and is available in bundles featuring a new fabric line called Terrarium by Robert Kaufman which is due to arrive in February. The fabrics for this quilt are also available as a kit:






Greenhouse features five new plants and can be made in three different sizes. It is 10-inch square friendly.  The fabric is available in 10-inch squares as well.









The fabrics for this quilt will also be available in kit form:









Lisa the Unicorn is 2 1/2 inch strip friendly and of course, you can order strip packs! The pattern includes instructions for two sizes of quilts as well as a floor pillow.









Just look at the colors in this fabric line – available in warm and cool colors:









The gradations in this line are stunning! Order everything now because you know it will sell out fast!

Elizabeth Hartman Designs the Reef

As I am writing this, Elizabeth Hartman has the TOP SELLING patterns at Checker – and another eight in the top 100!  That HAS to be a record.  Her latest releases are created with her new Reef fabric line by Robert Kaufman.

Awesome Ocean











These fabrics are just plain happy!

Sea Urchins

These pieced urchins are just plain fun and made with a 45-degree ruler – and Creative Grids® just happens to have that!










The patterns and fabric will be released this summer.  Order them now because you KNOW these are going to be hot!  To see everything by this amazing designer, visit our website:  Elizabeth Hartman

Elizabeth Hartman Has Increased Her Zoo

As I am writing this, Elizabeth has seven of the top 100 patterns – and they feature her favorite pieced critters.  Drum roll please……three more are arriving this month!

ALL of these are darling.  Don’t you love it when they occasionally wear glasses?

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Look how cute the pillows are – and those can be made in an afternoon.  Who says you have to have full size samples of everything?  She has such a following now that her animals are instantly recognizable.  One is enough to get their attention!  This is the perfect time to put together some fat quarter packs in fabrics – browns and plaids for the dogs; antler choices for the deer – you get the picture.  Order them today so you can get started on your samples and schedule classes today!

Elizabeth Hartman does it again and again and again…

Elizabeth Hartman released four new patterns at Market – and everyone of them landed in the top 100 within a month!  Her techniques are tried and true and follow the success of two of her other patterns that have been in the top 100 since their release!

Florence Flamingo has instructions for two sizes – a 45″ square or a 59″ x 79″ lap throw.  Whether you display it on a wall or throw it on your favorite couch, it is sure to make you smile.  Pineapple Farm represents hospitality on a grand scale.  Elizabeth includes tips on picking out the perfect fabrics for the pineapples.











And who doesn’t love a pair of llamas in love – perfectly named Lloyd and Lola…  For all Zootopia fans, the Sloth working in the DMV is a classic.  Who can resist?








Be sure to include her other best selling patterns in the display.

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Check out our website to see ALL of the Elizabeth Hartman.  Don’t you love it when actual quilt patterns are so popular?