The Ultimate Log Cabin Tool

The 10″ Creative Grids® Log Cabin Trim Tool Duo truly is the ultimate tool! This tool features two sets of squares. Use the standard markings to create 1″ finished width logs. Use the skinny squares to create 1/2″ finished width logs. Or combine the two in one block! Talk about unlimited options! Stop at any time to make four through ten-inch blocks!

Creative Grids 10in Log Cabin Trim Tool Duo

The Cut Loose Press™ Rick Rack Table Runner combines traditional log cabin blocks with mini pieced blocks that are “logged out” for that awe factor.

Rick Rack Table Runner

Rick Rack Table Runner

Just look at these Cut Loose Press™ patterns – all created with the same tool!

Fly Away Log Cabin

Fly Away Log Cabin

This Way and That

This Way And That

Ring Around the Rosies Tote

Ring Around The Rosies Tote

Floating Cabin

Floating Cabin

Inside Out

Inside Out

Express Yourself

Express Yourself

City Stars

City Stars

Star of Valor

Star Of Valor

My House

My House

Combining the log cabins with other Creative Grids® tools such as the Strippy Star, Kitty Cornered Tool, and the Ultimate Flying Geese? You get the picture! This is a must-have tool!

Hootie in Log Cabins

Hootie #CLPLDB007 is the latest in a series of wall hangings designed by Lisa DeBord for Cut Loose Press™ that incorporates log cabin and curvy log cabin blocks. What else can I say when you have this level of cuteness!


Wilmington Prints has a complete line of Essential Gems that come in a multitude of colors – which are the perfect pre-cuts to display with these patterns. Most of the blocks are made with 1 1/4″ strips so these 2 1/2″ strips can be cut in half – a great way to get a variety of fabrics in a colorway!

2-1/2in Strips Essential Gems Coffee Cafe 6 bundles per package

This series uses the Creative Grids® 4″ Log Cabin Trim Tool #CGRJAWMN4 and 4″ Curvy Log Cabin Trim Tool #CGRJAW6MINI.

Creative Grids 4in Log Cabin Trim Tool Quilt Ruler
Creative Grids 4in Curvy Log Cabin Trim Tool

Norbert #CLPLDB006 just came out last month. You still have time to make him for the holidays.


Oliver #CLPLDB005 the koala was inspired by the wild fired in Australia.


Waddles #CLPLDB004 and Noggins #CLPLDB003 are so adorable, I had to make them both! They are totally done so I can’t wait to hang them this holiday season!


Why not do a class? Demonstrate and teach the traditional courthouse steps and log cabin blocks (if needed) in one class. Follow up with a class on the curvy log cabin. Need a shop sample? Divide the blocks up between your employees. Since they are all done with the trim tools, all of the blocks will be the same size and the finished blocks will go together beautifully. An added bonus – everyone will know how to use the tools!

Masks and Supplies

Now that masks are mandatory in many areas, there is a whole new demand for them. They are like reading glasses – you need one for your car, your purse, by the front door…you get the picture!

The Gypsy Quilter® has developed these nose bars that help keep the mask where it needs to be.

The Gypsy Quilter Mask Bar 100ct

They come in packages of 100 and are due in the warehouse this month. Use these self-adhesive Mask Nose Bars to customize a mask you already have. Simply remove the release paper and stick on over the bridge of your nose. Or, you can sew a channel into your mask and insert the Mask Nose Bar to make it permanent. It is washable but don’t iron over it.

Now, they have become a fashion statement and my kids want an assortment of colors. The Gypsy Quilter® has done it again. Next month we will have elastic in five yard put ups in a multitude of colors. Each box includes three packages.

Gypsy Quilter Flat Green Elastic 1/4 x 5 yards
Gypsy Quilter Flat Royal Elastic 1/4 x 5 yards
Gypsy Quilter Flat Gray Elastic 1/4 x 5 yards
Gypsy Quilter Flat Red Elastic 1/4 x 5 yards
Gypsy Quilter Flat Purple Elastic 1/4 x 5 yards
Gypsy Quilter Flat Navy Elastic 1/4 x 5 yards
Gypsy Quilter Flat Black Elastic 1/4 x 5 yards
Gypsy Quilter Flat White Elastic 1/4 x 5 yards

These are the perfect companions to the Creative Grids® Face Mask Template 3 Sizes in 1. This template is so popular that we can’t keep up with the demand – but we are trying! We get shipments every week and send them out on a first-order/first ship basis so place your orders now!

Creative Grids Face Mask Template 3 Sizes in 1

Each box contains 3 bags of 1/4 inch elastic in a 5 yard cut. Washing Instructions: Machine washable and dryable in temp up to 200º F. Chlorine bleach safe. Dry Cleanable. Do not Iron

The Masked Quilter!

Personally, I am considered high risk so masks matter to me – and, I am not the only one. Thanks to Creative Grids®, making them will be a lot easier!

Creative Grids Face Mask Template 3 Sizes in 1

The Creative Grids® Face Mask Template 3 Sizes in 1 (#CGRFACE) has markings for a small, medium, and large. The length of the elastic is printed right on the tool so you don’t have to go find your instructions when you are making mask #200!!! Want a fitter look? Use the markings on the sides to add pleats.

Just layer four squares – two for the front and two for the lining. Layer them right sides together and rotary cut the entire mask at one time! Someone asked if they can add a wire to fit on the nose. Absolutely! Just insert a wire or pipe cleaner near the seam and stitch around it as needed. Customize it to work for you!

Need elastic? Gypsy Quilter is now offering 5 yard put ups of 1/4″ black and white elastic – due the first part of July.

Gypsy Quilter Flat Black Elastic 1/4 x 5 yards
Gypsy Quilter Flat White Elastic 1/4 x 5 yards

Let’s face it, masks are becoming a way of life. I made them for my family but now they want multiple prints to go with everything. Pull your novelty prints because adding some personality is always fun! And, don’t forget, everyone wants one for the car, by the door, at the office, etc. This is the perfect beginning class for all of those people who discovered sewing machines in the back of their closets!

Visit the Creative Grids® YouTube channel // to view a video that shows just how easy it is! We are getting in shipments as fast as they can be produced so order them now.

Show Some Love with Creative Grids®

The popular I Love my Quilting Friends ruler is now available in a smaller size!

Creative Grids I Love My Quilt Friends Mini Quilt Ruler 2-1/2in x 6in

This 2-1/2″ x 6″ ruler is the perfect carry-along size. The pink you see is actually our exclusive grip – just in oh so cute heart shapes! The center pink strip is 1/2″ wide and divides the ruler into three sections. The bottom inch features out traditional markings with a dashed 1/4″ marking along the entire six-inch length.

The top inch is divided into two 3-inch sections. One features a 1/8″ grid, the other features a 1/4″ grid.

This is the little sister to the popular larger 2-1/2″ x 10″ version.

Creative Grids I Love My Quilt Friends Quilt Ruler 2-1/2in x 10in

These should be arriving the end of April so order yours now.

Quarantine Quilt Along

What does a Creative Grids® designer do when her traveling lectures and classes are cancelled? Offer a virtual quilt along of course! And the response was incredible!

Image may contain: Gudrun Erla Gisladottir

That’s right! 16,000 quilters from all over the world participated. Gudrun and “Mr. Honey” even made up a playlist to listen to while sewing. She offered live feeds throughout the day teaching and encouraging the participants. Visit her website to read all about it and sign up for her newsletter so you hear about all upcoming events!

Moments like these – in uncertain times? Priceless.

Crazier Eights Playbook

This companion book for the Creative Grids® Crazier Eights Template Set #CGRMT7 features eight projects. This 16-page booklet includes instructions for cutting from scraps, 10” squares and fabric strips for effective use of your fabrics. Learn to use the five templates as a set, individually or in different combinations to create the projects in the book.

Crazier Eights Playbook
Crazier Eights Playbook

Or use the free pattern that comes with the template set!

Creative Grids Crazier Eights Template

Everything is in stock so order now!

Spot on Dots

This is such a brilliant idea! I can’t wait to use them on my Creative Grids Trim Tools! Cutting fabric accurately is the first step in creating quilts that lay flat, points that line up, and pieces that fit just right. The Gyspy Quilter Spot on Dots allows you to see exactly where you’ve lined up your fabric on your ruler by giving you magnified visibility at the point that matters most. For precision-perfect accuracy, Spot on Dots is the perfect tool for you!

Spot On Dot Magnifying Lens Set
Spot On Dot Magnifying Lens Set

Spot On Dot Magnifying Lens Set

The small dot is 1 inch in diameter. The large dot is 2 inches in diameter. At the center, magnification is 3x.

Place Spot on Dot adhesive side down onto your favorite ruler at the spot you want to magnify. The reusable adhesive ring will prevent the Spot on Dot from shifting while you make precise cuts. The Spot on Dot stays in place until you remove it. Store in its case after use. You can reactivate the grip on the Spot On Dot by simply washing with mild soap and water.


Just the name makes me smile! He is the cutest little penguin to grace the South Pole! Waddles #CLPLDB004 From Cut Loose Press™ by Lisa DeBord.


He is the perfect companion for Noggins #CLPLDB003 from Cut Loose Press™ by Lisa DeBord.


Both are made with the Creative Grids® four-inch curvy and four-inch log cabin trim tools.

Creative Grids 4in Log Cabin Trim Tool Quilt Ruler
Creative Grids 4in Curvy Log Cabin Trim Tool

Why not bundle some fabrics together that would work great in these quilts? These make a great class. Let them choose either pattern since they share all of the same blocks – but we know they will want to make both!

Teach them how to make a traditional log cabin and complete the blocks as homework. Then, you can move on to Courthouse Steps and Curvy log cabins. If you start now, these guys could be ready to hang by Christmas!

Sixty-degree Angles Just Got a WHOLE Lot Easier!

Designing quilts with sixty-degree angles just got a WHOLE lot easier with the introduction of Sheila Christensen’s Creative Grids® Half Sixty ruler.

Creative Grids Half Sixty Triangle Ruler

This tool is the perfect companion to the Creative Grids® 80-degree rulers. Since it is 12-1/2″, it works with both. Sew the straight side to create pieced 60-degree units; sew the angles side to create pieced rectangles. It is really that easy!

Just look at the possibilities! This Cut Loose Press™ pattern – Pinwheel Hexagons #CLPSCH001- is a great beginner class. Sixty-degree triangles are pieced from two half sixties and then squared up to create blocks with half sixties. How simple and easy is that!

Pinwheel Hexagons

But this is NOT a one-trick pony! Look at just some of the possibilities! Who would ever think that they were all created with the same tool!

Arrows Quilt
Slice it Up Quilt
Topsy Quilt
Be a Mod Runner
Hover Quilt
The Quick & Easy Triangle Block Tool

And don’t you love her vibrant choice of colors? The sixty-degree triangle is our number one selling triangle of all time – and now it has a friend! Your customers will love it!