The 10″ Creative Grids® Log Cabin Trim Tool Duo truly is the ultimate tool! This tool features two sets of squares. Use the standard markings to create 1″ finished width logs. Use the skinny squares to create 1/2″ finished width logs. Or combine the two in one block! Talk about unlimited options! Stop at any time to make four through ten-inch blocks!

The Cut Loose Press™ Rick Rack Table Runner combines traditional log cabin blocks with mini pieced blocks that are “logged out” for that awe factor.
Rick Rack Table Runner

Just look at these Cut Loose Press™ patterns – all created with the same tool!
Fly Away Log Cabin

This Way and That

Ring Around the Rosies Tote

Floating Cabin

Inside Out

Express Yourself

City Stars

Star of Valor

My House

Combining the log cabins with other Creative Grids® tools such as the Strippy Star, Kitty Cornered Tool, and the Ultimate Flying Geese? You get the picture! This is a must-have tool!