BOHO Blooms is a five part block of the month that is just genius! Each part can stand alone or complete them all to create a 70 inch square of work of art! The first four panels measure 25-1/2″ x 41-1/2″. The fifth block – The Butterfly is the center 14″ square that provides the center of this heirloom. Add a border – or borders – if desired to make it fit the space.
Block #5 and Putting it all together:

Block #1:

Block #2:

Block #3:

Block #4:

The Gypsy Quilter® Appli-Fuse Mats are the perfect companion for this technique.

These mats come in four different sizes – in this case – the bigger the better!
Blocks 4 and 5 are expected to arrive later this month so ask your customers who would like the entire series so you can order them now!