In his own words: Tabletastic! 3 is the 3rd and final of a Trio of Table Runner and Topper Books. 20 New Table Runners and Toppers patterns – 14 Table Runner & 6 Toppers Each Project shown in 2 Colorways! Great for using up your Precuts & Scraps! (10″ Square, 2.5″ Strip, 5″ Square F8, and FQ friendly patterns). The full color book also comes with a metal spiral binding, it will lay nice and flat while you use it.

This book is due to arrive in June, just in time for Shop Hop season! It joins his other two popular books in this series:

Why not set up a display with the books and precuts? The first two books are in stock now. Place your orders for the new one so you get it as soon as it arrives!