These quilts and table runner are absolutely beautiful so I am going to let them tell you in their own words….
Mermaids Tale was designed by Judy and Brad Niemeyer and was built using blocks from the Cattail Mixer series, including the Shimmering Star block and the Star Shower border. It also includes a C border, which does not include any foundation paper piecing. These instructions are broken down by groups, referred to as Groups A, B, & C. Size 68 x 68.

Frozen Fountain includes four sections referred to as Groups A, B, C, and D. The A group is a diamond block referred to as the Ice Crystal Star, the B group squares up the diamonds and is referred to as Icicles, the C group is an on-point border group called Satin and Lace, and the D group square up the on-point design to create a 99-inch square queen size quilt. This pattern incorporates all of Quiltworx’s latest techniques as well.

The Spice Rack was designed as a beginner pattern to introduce quilters to paper piecing. The project is fast, uses only straight-lined foundation piecing and assembly, employs simple cutting techniques, and is an affordable and fun way to jump into your first paper piecing project. It is meant to make those new to the process find confidence, understanding and success. Size 75 x 97

The Prism Table Runner is a design inspired by an idea of Certified Instructor, Joanne Wearing, hoping for a table runner workshop that utilized the Prismatic Star block, which would be available for a one day workshop. This pattern is the result. If this is the first time you’ve done a Quiltworx pattern, you will learn foundation paper strip piecing techniques for lone star diamonds and also striped borders along with the use of cutting templates, smart corners, and TRP lines. Size 22 x 65.

These are all due to arrive in January so order them now!