It is getting to be that time of year when quilters will be asking for just a little something for their friends. Why not set up a display of useful items that may be just the ticket?
This wool mat cleaning tool is due to arrive later this month. If you are like me and have the wool pressing mats and can’t believe you ever survived without them, this would be a great gift.

This mat cleaner removes all of those fibers that bury themselves in the cuts on your mat.

The GEasy stickers are made to stick on Wonder Clips so you can organize your next project. The pack includes numbers, letters, 1/4″ markings, and even blanks so you can keep track of the pieces you are cutting for a project.

These flexible little tools will clean all of the lint out of your sewing machine and make it run like a charm!

Clean the base of your iron with these handy cleaning cloths.

These short handled screwdrivers work great with your machines.

If you are like me, and want a maintenance kit on hand with everything, why not display these items with a lunchbox? This is a darling one from Lori Holt and should hold everything!

Or teach or demo a simple bag that they could make as part of the gift!