These floss bobbins from The Gypsy Quilter® are the best way to store floss for your latest needlework project.

Each bobbin can hold two full skeins of floss.

They are sold in packages of six and stack together to keep everything in its place!

These should be arriving soon so place your orders now!
What is actually measurement of the bobbins?
Is there a way to record on the bobbin the color number and brand of the floss wrapped on the bobbin?
Is that method of recording floss information removable when the bobbin is emptied and ready for another skein?
Is there a lidded, sectioned, box available for storing both filled and empty bobbins?
Good questions! I will ask the buyer and get back to you!
The bobbins measure 2″. As to your other questions, the buyer is looking into the best way to label and store the bobbins. Thank you for your comments!