Roam the streets of this sweetly stitched village with Lori Holt of Bee in my Bonnet Company! Twelve quaint, colorful cottages have plenty of room for you to play with palettes and shades to create your dream dwellings. Mind the rows of churn dashes while strolling the paths, while a simple border fences in these abodes. Prim Village Cross Stitch pattern comes with full-color instructions, diagrams and supply list, including suggested DMC and AuriFloss colors. It is printed on durable 11″ x 17″ cardstock. The cross stitch pattern includes charts for the Large Prim Village and Small Village and is designed for 25ct Oatmeal Lugana. Large Prim Village finishes at 11.75″ x 12″ and Small Prim Village finishes at 3″ x 5″. Large Prim Village is designed to fit a 14″ x 14″ frame and Small Prim Village is designed to fit a 4″ x 6″ frame. The pattern is available now!
A cute Prim Village enamel charm is included also. This adorable charm is exclusive to the Prim Village pattern. #ISE-412 FromĀ It’s Sew Emma