I saw this quilt demonstrated at QuiltCon and was so fascinated by the technique, that I came home and showed everybody I knew!

Now it is even easier because you can buy a package of the freezer paper templates! In their words: Make traditional orange peel blocks the fast, easy and accurate way with the Orange Blossom Die-Cut Freezer Paper Templates from PlumEasy Patterns. These precision-cut templates eliminate the need to trace and cut stencils as well as no pinning or applique – saving you time so you can get to the fun of making the blocks faster! And they are far more accurate than creating your own stencils. This package includes 25 sets of Orange Blossom templates die cut from CutRite Heavy Duty Freezer Paper and can be re-used 4-6 times.

The appliqued blocks are trimmed to 7 inches when complete. This tool will guarantee that all of the blocks are the same and the secondary design will meet when he blocks are sewn together.

The templates and ruler are due to arrive early next month. The pattern is available now. This is a great demo so place your orders now!