Meg Hawkey of Crabapple Hill Studio has released the next two installments of her 12 month BOM ark series which will finish to 66 1/2″ x 78 1/2″. Meg releases these as a mystery quilt – you have to trust that you will love the final quilt as you stitch each month – and we ALWAYS do!
I love Meg’s descriptions of the blocks and will incorporate them into the story I tell my grandchildren:
The pigs were a little bit leery about getting out on the water! Noah’s crew has outfitted them with floatation rings, so they’re happy now, and hopefully they’ll take them off at some point during the journey! The Canada Geese can’t wait for the rains to start, and the turtles and snails are bringing up the rear…slowly! Three blocks in this single pattern!

The monkeys decided to hitch a ride to the ark, and the camels were happy to oblige! They’re expecting rain, but it’s sunny right now, so this pretty lady is wearing her favorite hat so that her cheeks don’t get overly pink.

These two additions will be released in the next few weeks. The original blocks follow:
Let’s all get started with the large 24”x 24” Ark block! Almost every floss and colored pencil used in the quilt are used in this block! The colored pencil tinting is easy and fun, and the stitching isn’t anything a confident beginner couldn’t easily handle. Jump on board, we’re almost ready to sail!

A lovely little Kangaroo couple with baby in tow! The bunnies have had to wait in line quite a while… so here are a few more!

It is the perfect season for handwork! Who doesn’t love to pick up a needle and thread and sit in front of a fire! Order your patterns today!