Meg Hawkey of Crabapple Hill Studios has designed six new patterns that will be shipping next month. Meg does such an incredible job of describing her patterns that I am going to bow to her:
Let me introduce you to the owner of Bitterbottom Herbs, a very well known and respected nursery in Lower Sneegleshire. She spends long hours in the garden and preserving rooms always accompanied by her faithful and loving cat Mr. Teedles. They take long breaks together in the garden, basking in the same sunshine that makes her glorious herbs grow. The pattern is for hand embroidery with colored pencil tinting, and simple piecing, and her Scherenschnitte style border is easy to stitch.

Let me introduce you to our prize winning Jack o’ Lantern Pumpkin grower! You can always find her in Spellcaster’s Garden carefully tending her special plants. They always produce absolutely the BEST shapes and sizes for Jack o’ Lanterns! Every step of her day she is accompanied by her faithful sidekick, ICK. Yes, his name is ICK. But he IS a big, black garden spider after all! The pattern is for hand embroidery with colored pencil tinting, and simple piecing, and her Scherenschnitte style border is easy to stitch.

High on a hill in the center of Spellcaster’s Garden, is the Stitching Tree. Witches come from far and near to sit under the tree and embroidery together. It’s said that it has magical powers that greatly improve things like Bullion stitches… but the truth is, it’s just fun to sit in its shade together and visit while we stitch! This pattern was designed to match the tree print in the Spellcaster’s Garden fabric line, and it mimics Scherenschnitte. The pattern is for hand embroidery with colored pencil tinting, and simple piecing.

Your spell book, scrolls, magic needles and pins… All perched on your favorite broom! Ready for your favorite stitching “spell”? The pattern is for hand embroidery with colored pencil tinting, and simple piecing.

Vintage style Halloween Cats center the wonky pieced star blocks on this quick and easy quilt. They’re just SO MUCH fun! The pattern is for hand embroidery with colored pencil tinting.

A fun Halloween row quilt for only the most MODERN witches! Herbs, Jack o’Lantern Vines, and Herb Plant Markers are planted on some of the rows, while appliqued borders could easily be done traditionally, or by machine. The piecing is easy, easy, easy! Because of the simple row piecing, it would be really easy to make this quilt larger or smaller! The pattern is for hand embroidery with colored pencil tinting, some simple applique, and easy piecing.

Whether you choose to frame them or incorporate them into a quilt, her Halloween designs are always the highlight of the show!