Angela Pingel designed this to be a Travel Laundry Bag – and it is perfect for that. Throw it in your suitcase, hang it on the back of the door and throw it in your suitcase at the end of the trip!

But then I saw the picture with the assortment of bags hanging from hooks….Wouldn’t this be adorable in my sewing room? Organize the fabric and pattern for individual projects in each bag. The mesh makes it easy to view what is inside.
Or wouldn’t these be great for organizing soccer gear, gymnastics stuff, etc.? Graduation is right around the corner. These would be great gifts done in school colors with the student’s name appliquéd or embroidered on each (because they are going to need more than one)! Throw in some color catchers, soap, and fabric softener sheets and you have a great gift!
The patterns are due to arrive the end of this month so place your orders now!