Coffee Break from Cut Loose Press™ by Karla Alexander is so much fun to make! I got out my Fiestaware and started throwing out fabrics that coordinated. It turns out, I couldn’t stop at a table runner. They are just way too much fun – and I am a little OCD…

So what is a gal to do? Make 35 more and turn them into mug rugs for gifts for coaches, teachers, principals….you get the picture. And, if you have a good relationship with your machine quilter, she may even add their names.

But, I live in Ohio – and they are #1 so…..

These individual cups measure approximately 8″ so I cut an 8″ square of fabric, folded it in half, and used it as a pocket on the back. I’ll put coffee gift cards in the pocket as a homage to Karla. After all, she lives in the Pacific Northwest and KNOWS good coffee!
You still have time to finish six or six dozen by Christmas so get started!