Donna Robertson and Fran Morgan co-founders of Fabric Café, known for
their signature 3-yard quilt method announce a new pattern book, Make it Christmas
With 3-Yard Quilts! The easy-to-understand, quick-to-sew quilt patterns take the guesswork
out of fabric selection helping quilters achieve beautiful quilts quickly and simply.

This book features 8 festive designs which include instructions for all 3 sizes of the lap, twin, and queen/king quilts. Donna says, “In this busy world, making time for the things we love is important. Quilters love knowing they get faster quilting results with this easy quilting method. The demands for more 3-yard quilt patterns continues to grow!”.
Here are the 8 quilts featured in the book as well as larger images of a few of my favorites!

This book is due to arrive in June, just in time for the new Christmas fabrics that will be arriving!