Summertime – and the kitting is easy…..because In the Patches has created quality crafts for kids. These projects include everything you need – the wool (yes real wool), the dowel rod, and even the glue stick. Sit down with your favorite child and start a tradition today! There are fifteen critters to choose from:
Rille Rabbit (WKP16001) and Stella Bee (WKP16002)

Olivia Owl (WKP16003) and Kaylee Bug (WKP16004)

Khloe Fox (WKP16005) and Ella Elephant (WKP16006)

Dax Puppy (WKP16007) and Macie Monkey (WKP16008)

Chip Fish (WKP16009) and EJ Monster (WKP16010) – he is so scarry we can’t even show you the picture!

Ava Cat (#WKP16011 and Lily Pig (#WKP16012)

Liam Lion (#WKP16013) and Benjamin Bear (#WKP16014)

Fred Frog (#WKP16015)

These kits are due in any day. Why not make this a weekly project – and then combine the individual blocks into a quilt when they are complete? Now that’s a craft that keeps on giving….