No Mess – Just Press

I love Mary Ellen’s Best Press so much that I buy it by the gallon. I have tried filling up a small container with my kitchen funnel with limited results. NOW there is a solution.

Spray Misting Bottle Funnel

My favorite part? The loop at the top allows you to store it right on the gallon jug! This is a great companion to their mister which holds a whopping 10 ounces.

Spray Misting Bottle

For those of you who haven’t looked in awhile, there are some new fagrances.

Best Press Spray Starch Subtle Scent 16oz
Best Press Spray Starch Lavender Thyme 16oz
Best Press Spray Starch Lavender Vanilla 16oz

Why not make a display and re-introduce your customers to an old friend with new possibilities!

Farm Girl Cross Stitch

Lori Holt, our favorite Farm Girl designer, loves turning her favorite quilt designs into cross stitch. These sweet, simple designs make cross stitch fun again.

Farm Girl Fall Cross Stitch
Vintage Christmas Sampler Cross Stitch Pattern
Quilty Love Cross Stitch Pattern
Bee In My Bonnet Stitch Cards Set B
Happy Camper Cross Stitch Pattern
Eat. Sleep. Stitch. Repeat.  Cross Stitch Pattern
Sew She Did Cross Stitch Pattern

And, now she has packaged eighteen inch squares of the 10 count fabric that she uses in her designs. Whether you choose Heritage; Farmhouse; Buttermilk; American Blue or Blackboard, your designs are sure to pop!

Lori Holt Vintage Cloth 18inX18in Heritage
Lori Holt Vintage Cloth 18inX18in Farmhouse
Lori Holt Vintage Cloth 18inX18in Buttermilk
Vintage Cloth Blackboard
Vintage Cloth American Blue

The patterns are in stock now, the vintage cloth will be available next month.

My Favorite Gift!

These car coasters are the cutest – and are so affordable you will want multiples! An assortment should be displayed at every register! A picture is worth a thousand words – and in this case – you have lots to choose from! From Graphic Impressions

These stones absorb moisture. Each design comes six to a pack.

The Story of American Cotton

Looking for the perfect Mother’s Day gift? Look no further. American Cotton – Farm to Quilt is that perfect combination of a shared passion with a great history lesson! Teresa Duryea Wong shares a fascinating story!

Full color pictures on all 180 pages has you turning each page in anticipation of the next! Learn how they grew – and present day grow – cotton. And, hear about the farmers who work the fields. Then follow the cotton as it goes to the mills. Teresa shares not only how the cloth is made – but how batting is made as well.

Last, but not least, she shares the stories of a few companies who are committed to producing quality cottons and fabrics again – all made in the USA.

This book is a true labor of love and a fascinating read!

Hope’s Journey

Hope’s Journey combines stories of quilters along with quilts and block patterns in a new and exciting way. The cover quilt combines many of these patterns into what I call an orphan block quilt.

Betsy Chutchian combines 28 block patterns in a variety of sizes to create these puzzle-piece style sampler quilts. She actually combines four different layouts to make it even easier.

Each chapter includes stories of pioneer women who were on a journey to find a better life. Along the way, Betsy has shared 11 small quilts that would be spectacular additions to the decor of a bedroom featuring the cover quilt. Here is just a sampling of the “littles”….

Can you imagine sleeping every night surrounded by such beauty?

Journal your Quilt Projects

These are the latest journals from It Takes Two and would be the perfect centerpiece for a Valentine’s Day display.

Each journal contains 84 lined pages and measures 6 x 8 inches – the perfect size to carry everywhere!

And, at just $7.50, the price point is just as attractive as the journals. These journals are expected next week. To see their complete line of products, visit our website: It Takes Two.

Quilts of Valor – an Inspiration

What an inspirational story!

In their own words: When the Quilts of Valor Foundation was founded in 2003, its mission was to cover our nation’s military touched by war—that is, to cover them with quilts and honor their service. A volunteer team donate their time and materials to make a quilt collaboratively. Since its beginning, this all-volunteer organization with close to 8,000 members nationwide has awarded more than 200,000 Quilts of Valor. This book explains the history of military quilts since our nation’s beginning, and features a Quilt of Valor to represent each of our 50 states. Also included are 16 quilt patterns to choose from, to inspire you to make your own Quilt of Valor. The organization’s Under Our Wings project, which brings young people into Quilts of Valor and encourages them to learn to sew, is featured, too.

Quilters are truly amazing! Pat yourselves on the back – and order a copy for everyone one of those volunteers who participate!

Featherweight Lovers will LOVE this!

As I travel around the country, I see more and more Featherweight Clubs. Everyone in the club will want these!

Sew Steady now makes a table just for Featherweights. This classic table measures  18 x 23 inches. The black acrylic table is made exclusively for the Black Singer Featherweight 221k Machine. It even includes a gold printed 16-inch metric ruler and rounded front edge.

This featherweight 221 manual tells the history of the sewing machine, how to date your machine, and how to troubleshoot simple mechanical issues.

And then there is this gorgeous embroidery pattern by Crabapple Hill. What featherweight owner wouldn’t love this???

Another Use for the Clapper

I am traveling and teaching this month which is always a source of inspiration. I had to rotary cut 2,500 block kits for classes so I was cutting eight layers of fabric at a time.

Even though I started with a new blade, the 2 1/2″ strips were slipping when I was sub-cutting them. Enter the clapper for Wooly Felted Wonders!

I placed the clapper on the strips and moved it along as I sub-cut the pieces. The weight of the clapper stopped the fabrics from shifting! It worked great – and is another use for an amazing tool. I already use it to press my seams open and to set seams as I press. This is just a bonus.