Register Notions

The Gypsy Quilter is releasing several new notions next month – all would be a great register display. They are reasonably priced and functional – a great combination!

These Heat-Resistant Thimbles protect fingers when pressing. The nubbed surface also works perfectly when pressing seams open. Each container holds 16 of three different sizes. The large one fits my thumb (which I use to fingerpress seams open).

The Gypsy Quilter Heat Resistant Thimbles

These Silicone Iron Rests come in three different colors: red; green; and purple. Raising and lowering an iron as often as we do when quilting can cause carpal tunnel.
Do your wrists a favor and rest your hot iron on this silicon rest.

The Gypsy Quilter Silicone Iron Rest Green

No-Slip Grip Dots can be applied to the wrong side of templates and rulers to stop slipping.

The Gypsy Quilter No Slip Grip Dots

These are the type of notions people don’t know they need until they see them – and then can’t live without!


Pillow Case Kits

What a brilliant idea! I love Susybee fabrics. They always have a shop owner in mind – smaller collections that are affordable. Now they have taken many of these collections and created pillow case kits!

Each kit includes 3/4 yards of the main fabric – printed so it works perfectly as a pillow; 1/4 yard of a contrasting band fabric; and a strip of fabric for a decorative falange. The best part??? Each kit comes with directions to make a pillow case with French seams using the “burrito” method AND there is a video tutorial as well!

What a great mother/daughter class – and a great first project for any beginner. Once your customers know how easy this technique is, they will make them to match ALL of their quilts!

My Favorite Gift!

These car coasters are the cutest – and are so affordable you will want multiples! An assortment should be displayed at every register! A picture is worth a thousand words – and in this case – you have lots to choose from! From Graphic Impressions

These stones absorb moisture. Each design comes six to a pack.

Vintage Simplicity Gifts

We all remember shopping for Simplicity patterns and loved the tantalizing drawings on the patterns. Now they have taken some of the classic images and have made a line of gift items that are sure to make you smile!

These hard cover notebook retail for less than $10 and would be a great addition to a counter display.

These tins are decorative as well as useful – and are reasonably priced!

All of them are due to arrive the first week of May – just in time for a little something for Mother’s Day.

Stripology Mixology Drinks

For those of us who love the Stripology Mixology book by Gudrun Erla – and who doesn’t – the recipes are now available separately!

Everyone who knows Gudrun knows that she loves to cook and what goes great with everything? Her very own cocktail recipes! All of the recipes from the book are now available on a keychain printed on laminated cards. How cute is that???

Each card features a recipe on one side and a beautiful quilt on the other. What a perfect gift for your quilting friends! Why not host a quilt day and make one of the quilts from the book. Drinks anyone???

Barn Quilts Take Center Stage

These absorbent stone coasters are available in a display rack that includes all twelve designs as well as in individual packs.

Each coaster is a little over three inches in size. The design below shows the detail incorporated into each block.

At a retail of just $5.00, these make great gifts and are the perfect register display. These items will be arriving soon – in time for shop hops and vacation travelers.

Ornaments in time for Christmas

Rachel’s of Greenfield has three ornament kits in the top 100 patterns this week!

The kits include everything you need to make six ornaments – right down to the gold hanging thread. They are perfectly sized to fit in a gift card so they can stand alone and BE the gift or be used as the embellishment on the gift!

Wouldn’t these be fun to have at a holiday get together? They could make an ornament to take home with them as a memory of the party. They are all in stock so you can get them in time for this holiday season!

Twelve Days of Christmas – Part Three

Who doesn’t want a calendar for inspiration – and we have you covered! Two of the newest are due to hit the doors at the end of this month so order now!

The Buttermilk Basin calendar includes recipes and quotes as well as beautifully photographed projects!

Laura Heine has preserved her designs into a calendar that is truly a work of art! It, too, will be arriving at the end of the month!

An all-time favorite from Patchwork Place includes the patterns for the twelve projects chosen from some of Martingale’s favorite authors.

This Kim Diehl journal is the perfect gift for a quilting friend. It is the perfect place to store those items on your bucket list. Or, keep track of quilting projects past, present, and future….


Thanksgiving was early this year so be sure to allow for that extra week of shopping!

Twelve Days of Christmas – Part Two

These organizers by It’s Sew Emma are the perfect gift for everyone – not just quilters! What a great teacher gift. But, if you WANT to give it to a quilter, a lady told me at the show that she uses it to store her machine feet! Now I need another one!

This Pudgie Parrot organizer holds at least seven rulers as well as a rotary cutter. It comes in a multitude of colors so visit the website to pick your favorite!

The Fusamats come in several different sizes and are the perfect gift for those who love fused applique. At Market, they showed the perfect companion – a pair of tweezers with a very fine point. The point is so fine that you can actually use them to place tiny applique pieces and iron them in place!

Stay tuned for Part Three…..