Thirties Prints in a Charming Setting

Judie Rothermel’s new collection, Basket of Scraps by Marcus Brothers. is featured in an upcoming book by It’s Sew Emma.









This Block of the Month style quilt book is due to arrive next month – perfect timing to wash away those Winter blues.

The setting stars which frame the blocks are simply stunning. The quilt can be made in two sizes – queen and king – so you can finally make a quilt to fit your bed. And, since it is a block of the month, it can be pieced a little at a time so they have removed the intimidation factor.

Here is just a sampling of this fabric line which is due to arrive later this month:




















Conversational prints combined with mini coordinates – and a check threw in (which would be an awesome binding) – who could ask for anything more???

Violet Craft and Palm Canyon

When I saw the latest pattern by Violet Craft was in the top 50 BEFORE it was in stock, a girl just has to sit up and take notice!  Then I saw her new fabric line due to arrive in February and it all made sense!









This stunning quilt is made from Robert Kaufman Palm Canyon – and boy did she capture the essence of the landscape that inspired it!  Just look at some of these prints:















The pattern will be available before the fabric arrives so why not prep your paper-piecing templates and be prepared? Consider ordering the kit and printing the foundations for them. Everyone loves being spoiled!

Lynette Anderson at her Quirky Best

I love the muted colors that Lynette Anderson designs and features in her patterns. This latest fabric line from RJR, Peacock Manor by Lynette Anderson Collection is due to arrive in April. Her latest patterns showcase how these colors work together to create stunning results and are due to arrive next month!









Forest Floor table runner features a hexie center with an embroidered border of flowers, bees, toadstools and her signature hearts.  The Kissing Tree table topper accentuates embroidered trees with friendship stars – what a great choice for a wedding present!







Four Seasons is a gorgeous framed piece.  The hearts each have a whimsical scene.








And then there is this charming sewing kit…







And then there are the pieced quilts…







Don’t you love the muted colors – and the embroidery adds that awe factor. Why not set up a display today?

Elizabeth Hartman Does It Again!

Just in time for Market, Elizabeth Hartman is releasing three new patterns due to arrive the first week in November. Delightful Desert includes nine new animal and plant designs – and could be the basis of your next Block of the Month program!









This pattern is fat quarter friendly – and is available in bundles featuring a new fabric line called Terrarium by Robert Kaufman which is due to arrive in February. The fabrics for this quilt are also available as a kit:






Greenhouse features five new plants and can be made in three different sizes. It is 10-inch square friendly.  The fabric is available in 10-inch squares as well.









The fabrics for this quilt will also be available in kit form:









Lisa the Unicorn is 2 1/2 inch strip friendly and of course, you can order strip packs! The pattern includes instructions for two sizes of quilts as well as a floor pillow.









Just look at the colors in this fabric line – available in warm and cool colors:









The gradations in this line are stunning! Order everything now because you know it will sell out fast!

Laura Heine – Fabric and Patterns

I can’t wait for you to see the new fabric line “The Dress” by Laura Heine with Free Spirit.  It is the soft fabrics that bring her collages to life!









Check out her new patterns that have these softer colors. The giraffe and seahorse patterns are mini versions of her popular patterns.









Cake Mix Collage is a total collage – including the background. Montgomery Moose Painterly appears to have brush strokes but it is a piecing technique that Laura has created.









The patterns are arriving next month the fabric in December – just in time for Winter classes.

Charming by Gerri Robinson

Gerri Robinson’s “Charming” line by Penny Rose Fabrics is due to arrive this month. Her combination of navy, blue, and taupe is striking. Check out a sampling of the colors and prints.












And the support for this line is amazing! Each pattern includes two different quilts that compliment each other in style and substance.

Blooming Baskets includes seven different appliques showcased in a beautiful star setting and a star version. The border would add interest to any quilt. Not a fan of applique?  No problem – make the entire quilt in stars.









Hidden Shoofly and Flutter look totally different buy both settings actually highlight star blocks. Why not offer a class and give your students a choice of settings?









Blossom provides impressive negative space to showcase elaborate quilting. Flower Patch Blossoms fulls that space with additional flowers.









Garden Rows and Scattered Seeds are reminiscent of Irish Chain quilts. Wow!









Last but not least is Windmills – a fast and easy quilt made from 2 1/2″ strips.






Be sure to order the patterns now so you can display them with the fabric when it arrives. The hardest part is going to be deciding which quilt to make!

The Perfect Solids for Applique

Me and You by Hoffman offers an incredible line of solids that have the feel and characteristics of batiks – which means they don’t fray and ravel, the perfect choice for raw edge applique.  And, JoAnn Hoffman’s new designs due in this month showcase them perfectly!









The design detail in these two projects truly transforms them into a work of art.  Look how the hands form a secondary star pattern in Sisters of the Cloth.  The muted quilts in the background of the Yoder Sisters is a subtle touch that adds that awe factor that we all love!  Her attention to detail is what brings these solids alive!  To see the complete collection, visit our website:  Me and You Solids

This is the same gal that brought us the Dragonfly and Butterfly patterns that made batiks sing.













Be sure to take the time to study her fabric choices.  Her designs look like Tiffany glass!

A Legend Has Returned

There are few people who truly have achieved legendary status in our industry – and when you combine talent with a gracious, kind and warm personality, you have Nancy Halvorsen!  And I am thrilled to announce that she has returned with a new book and line of fabric that you are sure to love!

Bree has mass appeal!  It is colorful, happy, and charming – an irresistible combination!  And for those of you who were looking for an updated version of 30’s fabric, it has arrived!









The line has 38 bolts and is available in 10 and 15 yard cuts as well as 2 1/2″ strips and fat quarters.  The focus print comes in several colors and is a stunning paisley.









The checks have little dots running vertically and horizontally to add extra interest to the piece.  I can’t wait to use this as a binding!









And then there are the swirls…..

















And a  book that ties them all together…This book includes a block the month cover quilt with words that are sure to inspire along with 21 projects for every season!























And everything will be available in your quilt shops in July!  Summer just got a whole lot better!

Six Point Pizzazz

This seven sisters setting of a Diamond Wedding Star is breathtaking – a perfect example of when less is more!  And the perfect fabric choices?  This heirloom strip set by Timeless designed, or course, by the Niemeyers!  Check out these Market releases!

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When quilts become art – Autumn Pines can be the focal point of any room.


These quilts are the newest additions that feature the Diamond Wedding Ring templates by Creative Grids®.


Why not combine the new with these classics from Cut Loose Press and Quiltworx?

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Red, White and Black Takes Center Stage

Quiltworx is releasing three new patterns this month – all showcased in red, white and blacks:


This fabric line – designed by Judy and Judell for Timeless Treasures – has around twenty different prints.  Why not buy all of them?  These are the most difficult fabrics to find in batiks so shops can never have enough!  There are also several pre-cuts to choose from.  See the entire line at:


These newest medallion quilts are stunning!  Frankly, it is hard to come up with adequate descriptions for her quilts!  And in these colorations?  Wow!













The circular designs soften all of the angles.  Don’t you love the border treatments?  Just one of these masterpieces will be the centerpiece of any room!  Why not order yours today???