Gift-giving has never been easier! These delightful ornament bags, designed by Rachel’s of Greenfield, are just the right size for gift cards or other treasures of your choice. Each envelope-style ornament bag has a different decoration on the front and fastens on the back with an old-fashioned figure-eight closure. The kit includes woolfelt®, embroidery floss, and gold string plus precise patterns, and complete instructions to make 6 gift bags.

There are lots of kits to choose from.

These kits are a great way to keep those mask makers engaged. This is my plan:
This year I made GALLONS of Chex mix, filled quart jars, and put them in gift bags. My children and grandchildren had a ball leaving these gifts on the doorsteps of friends and on the desks of their favorite teachers. Hopefully, we will be able to celebrate the holidays this year up close and personal, but we want to continue the tradition. I drew squares the size of each woolfelt piece onto freezer paper. Then, I traced the templates for that color within the square. Since my family and friends are making multitudes of these, we can run as many copies of the template sheets as we have kits – and only have to trace them once. Now, the instructions say to trace the templates right onto the wool felt, but ironing the freezer paper onto the woolfelt with a warm iron was much faster. Why not provide a template sheet to your customers as that “value-added” bonus with the purchase of each kit?
This Gypsy Quilter Appliqué Freezer Paper is over-sized and worked well!

And, what great handwork while sitting in front of a fire…..