We’ve Got Your Angle!

Meet the newest members of the Creative Grids® angle family. We now have a sixteen inch 10-degree angle. Sew together 36 of these 10-degree triangles to create a complete circle; 18 to create a half-circle, or 9 to create a quarter-circle. Create Fans, Dresden Plates, etc. up to a finished size of 31-1/2 inches. Check out these companions by Christina Cameli. The Magic Triangle Table Topper would be a great afternoon class. She pieces the fans with the 10-degree angle and then trims them into a 50-degree shape to create this stunning hexie!









Mesmerized is stunning in these gradations!









We also have a shorter version of the popular 15 degree – this one is easier to manipulate when working on smaller projects. Erin Underwood has created some darling patterns to get you started. Check out this mini version of her popular tuffet! It can be made with either the 15 degree or 22 1/2 degree. You decide on how many petals you prefer.









This Cut Loose Press™ pattern includes a table runner AND placemats. I love the edges that are finished with rickrack – just like grandmas!









This double Dresden pillow is embellished with buttons and rickrack.  What is not to love???









Or create this spectacular version of a Mariner’s Compass by combining 15 and 22 1/2 degree angles.







Add these angles to your basic line!

Crazy Trees

I love this!  In fact, I love this so much that I am teaching it this weekend!





This is a Karla Alexander design – and is SO her! A little wacky, a little wonky, and a whole lot of fun! This combines every aspect of a great pattern:



  • It looks hard but is so easy and so forgiving – anyone can do it!
  • It takes just eight 10 inch squares and eight 11″ x 14″ rectangles of background so it is easy to kit.
  • It makes a great demo.
  • AND, it is a Cut Loose Press™ pattern so it is affordable. Crazy Christmas Trees #CLPKAL009

It uses her ruler. Creative Grids® Spider Web Quilt Ruler #CGRKA6





Saturday I am making this in Fall colors – but kitting it for Christmas as well. After all, who can stop at just one! An added bonus? This runner is 17 1/2″ x 40 1/2″ so if I make four of these, I have a great throw!

Courthouse Steps Inspiration

Deb Heatherly and I are not only Creative Grids® designers, we are also friends. She has designed four of our most popular tools – Cat’s Cradle; Strippy Star, Turbo Four-Patch and the Ultimate Flying Geese.

We both travel and teach – and love to demonstrate Creative Grids®. My latest Cut Loose Press™ pattern, Log Cabin Nights, was inspired by one of her quilts – Steps to the Stars.









Here is the story.  I was working on a king sized quilt and needed a final border.  I loved the way Deb combined Strippy Stars and Courthouse Steps blocks in her pattern. As a border, however, I needed a darker look that would frame the quilt and be striking when it was hanging off the side of a bed.









I completed the quilt –  and loved the border. There was a long dresser in the room that was scratched on the top. What is a quilter to do? Make a dresser scarf of course – and Log Cabin Nights was born. Look at your patterns as inspiration and see what happens!

I just noticed a white spot on the top of the buffet….back to the sewing room.

Ovals ARE Easy

Add Karla Alexander’s sense of style and color sense – and classes will sell out immediately!  I am one of those people who came from an applique background so sewing curves on a machine wasn’t a part of my skill set until now!  Look how gorgeous…
























These are Cut Loose Press™ patterns that are stunning. Leaves is a perfect class. They can actually finish this in an afternoon. Then demo the Clam shell quilt and Capiz Lanterns. The lantern quilt would be a perfect Christmas quilt.

Enchanted will have everyone anticipating the holiday seasons. Trading Places and Spin Cycle actually make me think I could make art quilts – and you could too!
















You need to challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone – and I guarantee you will be successful and love every minute of it!

Mini Curvy Log Cabins Have Entered the Building

When you ask, we listen! Thousands of you have fallen in love with the six and eight-inch Creative Grids® Curvy Log Cabins that make twelve and sixteenth-inch circles. But sometimes smaller is just plain fun so welcome the four-inch Curvy Log Cabin to the family!























These smaller blocks are just as fun and easy to make as the other sizes – with even more accentuated curves. Check out the possibilities with these Cut Loose Press™ patterns.

Fried Green Tomatoes includes a table runner and a set of place mats. Yin and Yang pillows show how block placement creates a totally different look.







Little Runaway Pinwheels below really shows how this smaller size sings! Round the World Tote has an Asian influence.








Circle of Love is an unusual setting that shows this block off to its fullest!






You already know who will want this one so order them now!

Log Cabin Stars and Stripes

I love this four inch log cabin trim tool!  It makes me look like I actually know how to piece – WELL!  Believe me, it is not me – it is the tool!








Look at “America the Beautiful”. This 28″ x 40″ flag was pieced with the log cabin trim tool using a variation of the courthouse steps block. I used Soft and Stable as the batting so it lays perfectly flat when it is hanging on my door – the perfect decoration for those summer barbecues.  It is fat quarter friendly so it is easy to kit as well.








Check out this pattern by Jean Ann Wright.  See how the blocks are placed to create a star in the center.  This is done with 2 1/2″ strips – which are due to arrive this month. Kitting has never been easier.












This tool comes in a four inch, a six inch, an eight inch, and a twelve-inch size.  Show them blocks in every size. The technique is the same – let them choose the size that they are comfortable with!


Cut Loose Press and Creative Grids are the Perfect Demo -Part 2

Now is a great time to introduce everyone to the Stripology rulers. There are now two versions – Stripology #CGRGE1 and Stripology Squared #CGRGE2.   Both feature the exclusive grip that holds the fabric in place while cutting – which eliminates slipping and mis-cuts and special markings for the most popular cuts.  Follow the squares to cut 2 1/2 inch strips and the stars to cut 1 1/2 inch strips – no math required!


The original Stripology is larger and perfect for cutting fat quarters or fabric folded right from the bolt.  It features a marked 10 inch square – perfect for sub-cutting layer cakes.  Stripology Squared has all of the features you love in the original Stripology ruler, and it makes ‘squaring up’ a breeze! The smaller size is easier to manipulate and is more portable so it is the perfect choice when traveling to classes and retreats.

Stripology Squared includes markings to square up half-square triangles, quarter-square triangles, and blocks up to 12 inch. And, since the slots are longer to accommodate larger blocks, it is the perfect choice for cutting wider fabrics.

Both rulers are a great choice for quilters who are experiencing weakening in their hands due to carpal tunnel issues, arthritis, etc.  The weight of the ruler itself is enough to hold it in place – no additional pressure is required!

The perfect demo?  The Cut Loose Press™ pattern – Wingman #CLPGER008.  It uses six different 1/3 yard cuts plus a background so it is easy to kit – and even easier to demo since the whole quilt is made from strip sets – cut to size with the Stripology Squared tool.  One of the advantages of the tool?  It absorbs the seams so there is no teetering like you experience with traditional rulers so the strips are the perfect width every time.


This pattern is a simpler version of one that appears in Stripology Squared #GE-512 and is featured on the back cover – a companion book to both rulers.









Once you demonstrate Wingman – and see how easy Gudrun’s techniques are, everyone will want the book!  Check out www.checkerdist.com to see all of Gudrun’s designs marketed under GE Designs.  Since almost everything features strips, they are great companions for the ruler!

Cut Loose Press and Creative Grids are the Perfect Demo -Part 1

As I travel and teach, and expose quilters to the quality and advantages of Creative Grids®, I hear over and over again that they want to replace ALL of their rulers.  But many quilters did not start out in a quilt shop and do not know the difference.  And, many are not aware of ALL of the features of these rulers – and use them to their full advantage.  Shop owners, use them as great demo opportunities that will have quilter’s jaws dropping and give you the opportunity to point out the great features of Creative Grids®.

The top seller of all time?  The 6 1/2 inch by 24 1/2 inch rectangle. #CGR24

CGR24And why does everyone want this brand?  The grip!  The ruler slides easily over the fabric until pressure is applied. Then, the exclusive gripper holds the fabric in place while cutting – no slipping and miss-cuts!  Don’t overlook our other great features:

All of the rectangle rulers feature easy-to-read black and white markings printed in 1 inch grids marked in 1/8 inch and 1/4 inch increments.

Use the easy-to-read, black numbers (printed on white dots) and the 1/4 inch grip sides to cut whole inches. (The 1/4 inch dashed lines printed on two adjoining sides aid in trimming seam allowances.)

Use the patented Turn-A-Round™ feature — designated by the easy to read, numerical white numbers (printed on black dots) and the 1/2 inch grip sides — to add the 1/2 inch seam allowance. (I am constantly amazed that people don’t know how to use this feature to their advantage.)

Use the white 45 degree angle to trim half-square triangles in whole inch increments. Use the black 45 degree angle to trim half-square triangles in half inch increments. An additional black 45 degree line is placed so that two angles cross one-quarter inch away from the outside edge. Use these markings to square up flying geese units; squares set on point or to mark cross-hatching. The ruler also features a 30 degree/60 degree angle.

White horizontal and vertical lines are printed on the rectangle so the center of the ruler is easily distinguishable. Use these lines to fussy cut stripes and borders.

These rectangles come in nineteen different widths and lengths so there is sure to be one that is perfect for your needs!

CLPGRG008Now that you – and your customers – know all of the features of our rectangles – and know how to use them – show how easy it is to make this Cut Loose Press™ pattern – Double Four Patch #CLPGRG008.  This lap sized quilt can be made in an afternoon and is easy to kit – just pull combinations of 18 fat quarters.  The entire quilt is made from strip sets of five inch and 2 1/2 inch strips that are sub-cut to create the fourteen inch blocks.  It is a great masculine quilt but works just as well in juvenile prints.  It will become their go-to quilt so have lots of fat quarter bundles to choose from!

Now that everyone knows the advantages of the Creative Grids® rectangles, it is time to talk about our squares – which come in 15 different sizes.  The 10 1/2 inch size #CGR10 is quickly becoming a favorite since it is easy to use with pre-cuts.


It has many of the same features as our rectangles – grip, easy to read black and white markings, the Turn-a-Round feature and a 45 degree angle that is perfect when squaring up half-square triangles.  The perfect demo?  The Cut Loose Press™ patterns Sonoma #CLPCAM001 and Diablo #CLPCAM005.  They are both made the same way.  The only difference?  Diablo includes raw edge applique squares to give it more of a Southwest look.










Once again, this pattern is pre-cut friendly – in this case, 10 inch squares.  One package of squares and the background is all they need to get started (once again, easy to kit).  This pattern features a simple technique.  Simply make half-square triangles from a set of squares and trim to size with the ten and a half inch Creative Grids® square.  That’s right – each “medallion” is created with two matching sets of ten inch squares!  Talk about a lot of bang for your buck!

The half-square triangles are then cut into 2 1/4 inch segments to create the pattern.  In this case, I recommend the #CGR212 – a 2 1/2 inch by 12 1/2 inch rectangle.  Simply place the dashed 1/4″ inch line on the ruler on the outside edge of the half-square triangle to eliminate the math!

All three of these Cut Loose Press™ patterns are reasonably priced and great technique demonstrations.  Why not take advantage of them today?

Stripology Squared is in the Building

I am SOOOO excited to announce the arrival of the latest Stripology ruler by Gudrun Erla of GE Designs – Stripology Squared!  This version includes all of the features of the original Stripology Ruler plus features that will make squaring up blocks a breeze.

Stripology Squared includes markings to square up half-square triangles, quarter-square triangles, and blocks in whole and half inch sizes up to 12½”.  And, since the slots are longer to accommodate larger blocks, it is the perfect choice for those of you who wanted a longer version.

An added bonus?  The weight of the ruler stabilizes the block so nothing moves – even when dealing with multiple seams.  And the smaller size is easy to manipulate – and the price point reflects the difference in size.

The Stripology Squared works perfectly when working with pre-cuts such as 10″ squares.  And in typical Gudrun fashion, she has LOTS of support for the ruler.


GE-173 GE-174 GE-175 GE-176 GE-512























All of these patterns look intricate and extremely complex – until you see how simple they are when you piece simple blocks – and sub-cut them in a multitude of ways.  Every pattern is the beginning of a great class – and a great way to demonstrate the ruler.

Gudrun has also designed a fast and easy Cut Loose Press pattern ‘Wingman’, that would be a great gift with purchase of the ruler.



And the best part???  Everything is in stock and ready to ship!  This would be a perfect choice for a twelve days of Christmas promotion.

Turbo 4-Patch combines speed and accuracy

Deb Heatherly, designer of the Cat’s Cradle and Strippy Star, created the Turbo 4-Patch when she was teaching a class and the quilt required HUNDREDS of mini 4-Patches.  She knew her students would baulk at making these units the traditional way so a new trim tool was born!

Create four-patch blocks in 16 different sizes ranging from ½” to 4″ finished sizes in a matter of minutes. Simply place the markings on the ruler directly on the seam line and trim. Since the blocks are trimmed after cutting, sewing, and pressing, any distortion caused by these steps is corrected and each four-patch will be the perfect size every time!   

This trim tool is the perfect companion for the 2-½” and 5″ pre-cuts that are on the market. We know that they aren’t always cut the exact same size so cutting from the seam line guarantees  accuracy.

Deb has created several patterns that showcase this tool.  These three Cut Loose Press™ patterns are great class options.
This tool can also be combined with Deb’s other Trim Tools such as the Strippy Star.CLPDHE012  CGRDH2
She has also created several full sized patterns that are striking.  My Radiant Star combines four-patches and half-square triangles to maximum effect.DH16909
Or make this darling basket quilt called Addison:
Or teach all three tools in Ella’s Attic:
DH16908  CGRDH1
Whether used individually or in tandem, these tools are a delight!