This quarantine has brought back so many memories of my grandma! (Who knew that house dresses would be back in style!) She always had a half-filled sink of soapy water and a towel on the counter with a rack on top to dry the dishes. So when Kristine Poor of Poorhouse Designs submitted this pattern, I was all in! So many teachable moments!!!

It uses pre-cut sheets of In-R-Form to make it even easier to have a class – and they will go home with a finished project! Or do a little video and sell the kits on-line!

After this quarantine, you should have a lot of new customers who dug out their old sewing machines to make masks – and now want new projects. This is the perfect beginner project! Teach them strip-piecing, paper-piecing, (yes, those wine glasses are paper-pieced) top-stitching with micro-tec needles… Remember – these new sewers probably came from clothing and are used to 5/8″ seams so there will be a learning curve!
Kristine has also written a pocket guide to Interfacings. Many of your customers have not worked with this product before so it is another educational opportunity!

They are due to arrive this month so order now!