Critters, and Monsters, and Monkeys Oh My!

I was lucky enough to speak and demo at the Shipshewana Quilt Festival right along side of Margaret Travis of Eazy Peazy Quilts.  This woman rocked it!  She sold out of everything!!!  The only thing behind her were empty hooks!

EPQ153   EPQ154 (1)

Her new Zip It Critters and Zip It Monsters patterns were the hit of the show – and are so easy to make with the Bosal eight inch round shapes that are fusible on both sides.  You can make two monsters from each pack.


Be sure to order plenty of her other patterns that use these circles as well.  These don’t include zippers so for those who are intimidated by the Z word, these may be a great starting point.  At this class you can remove the intimidation factor by showing how easy it is to incorporate zippers into this project!

EPQ144   EPQ147

Or introduce this technique with one of her Cut Loose Press™ patterns.



Why not introduce these as a mother/daughter class this summer?  They can learn how to sew zippers; make bias binding; and applique – and finish the project in class!  Hang them from their book bag for a great way to store lunch money or notes that need returned to the teacher!

Can you spell Lepidoptera?

Elizabeth Hartman certainly can – and her latest pattern has hit the top 100!
EH027   PaintboxBasics_FrancisFirefly
Lepidoptera and Frances Firefly are her latest patterns that will be released later this summer.  Order now so you will receive them as soon as they arrive.
These patterns will join her other top sellers.  Fancy Forest fits a twin bed and includes the characters who have now emerged as stand alone patterns.
Fancy Fox and The Kittens are charming examples of taking one of these characters and adding personality to each one.
EH-009 EH-019

To see ALL of the critters in her menagerie, visit our website:  Elizabeth Hartman.

Another Winner by Poorhouse Designs

Kristine Poor of Poorhouse Designs has three patterns in the top 100 – and the sales of these patterns have paid the rent for more than one shop!

Her latest pattern – Fold’N Stitch Leaf Topper (#PQD-213) is due out this summer – and in my humble opinion is the cutest one yet!
PQD-213   495-8B
This time, Bosal is packaging the pre-cut leaves (#495-8B) and they will be available at the SAME TIME as the pattern!

This candle holder measures 17″ across.  Order it now so you can be one of the first to have the sample done before those Summer travelers arrive!

The Perfect Summer Project!

HHD101Talk about the perfect portable project!  These mini wooden hoops (#HHD101) frame a design that is slightly less than 1 3/4″.  These “Made in America” minis are the perfect gift.  Each pendant comes with a jump ring to turn them into a necklace.  The pattern for the “Hello” design is included.
Or add a pin or a magnet on the back – or turn them into napkin rings for a special luncheon….the possibilities are endless!
Need some help with the designs?  Shirley Hudson has that covered as well….

This pattern (#HHD369) includes twelve different designs – one for every season.  The pattern includes three different alphabets as well.  Two of the patterns can be personalized to your own needs.
Display both at the register – the perfect impulse buy that will have them coming back for more.  Why not have each employee make one – and wear them.  Walking, informed advertising is ALWAYS a good thing!  And, since they actually made one, they can explain how easy they are to frame and finish.  These are selling fast – but more are expected shortly so they will be here in plenty of time for the summer Row by Row Experience season!

Ring Around the Wreath

When Poorhouse Designs wreaths are the #1 and 2 top patterns and the Bosal forms is the #1 interfacing, it is time to shout it from the rooftops!


With just three fabrics, this is the Fold N Stitch Wreath (#PQD-210) is the perfect pattern to kit in a variety of seasonal fabrics! They won’t be able to buy just one!  Include the Bosal pre-cuts in the kit.  These are cut to the exact size they need – in the quantity they need so who can resist this time saver?


437-12BThis hexagon version (#PQD211)is simply darling – and is a smaller version at 14″ (The original is 21″).  Once again create the perfect kit:  three fabrics and the Bosal pre-cuts a(#437-12B)that are such a time saver!.  Have plenty of these ready for your upcoming summer events!

Miss Muffet is Still Smiling



Tuffets are the rage – EVERYWHERE – and for every tuffet that has been completed, a matching pin cushion is a must. The kit #LTQ102 includes a foam round, ground walnut shells, tufting cord, felt, instructions, and a plywood base with hardware installed for the feet! You add your own fabric, button and feet (drawer pulls). Who could resist?  You can also buy kits without the pattern #LTQ106 which include enough to make two more pin cushions.  And these kits are quality.

LTQ10  LTQ106
#LTQ102  $22.00                                                  #LTQ106  $20.00

Don’t forget to have tufting needles and Add-A-Quarter rulers in stock as well.

9021DH         CM12PLUS
#9021DH  $5.49  #CM12PLUS  $12.99

This project will give your customers the confidence to create a full-size tuffet if they haven’t already. There will be a waiting list for these classes over and over again!

PPFP100 EUQ304
#PPFP100  $28.00                              #EUQ304  $11.00

New Pop-Ups for Graduation Gifts

T-Shirt quilts have always been a great graduation gift – but they are too much of an investment for everyone on your list.  These new pop-ups are the perfect gift!

FQG128 FQG126
The pattern gives lots of suggestions for layouts.  The rings designed for the original Pop-Ups work with this as well.

Item #FQG128  Retail $12.00
Item #FQG126  Retail $38.99 (three piece set)
Item #FQG121  Retail $8.99 (Small)
Item #FQG123  Retail $10.99 (Medium)
Item #FQG124  Retail $12.99 (Large)
Item #FQG125  Retail $16.99 (XLarge)

FQG129The Basket Pop-Ups are new as well, and support the small, medium, and large Pop-Up springs.  What cute organizers. These should be arriving soon so place your order now.  Be sure to have plenty of the springs in stock because they are not going to make just one!

Item #FQG129 Retail $9.00




Personalize their favorite toys

All of our children and grandchildren have their favorite toys – and wouldn’t you love it if they were cuddling one you made for them?

These cuddle buddies by Embroidery Buddy are made so they can be personalized by hand or on your favorite embroidery machine.

There are a wide variety of Blanket Buddy choices.
Monkey Item #61092  Retail $16.00
Bear Item #61098BL  Retail $16.00
Lamb Item #61099  Retail $16.00

The stuffed animals are made so the stuffing is enclosed in a bag and removed through a zipper while the embroidery is being done.

Bull Dog Item #41090  Retail $27.00
Lamb Item #71090  Retail $25.00

What a great way to demo the new generation of embroidery machines!  To see all of the options, visit our website:  Embroidery Buddy

Why not demonstrate these during your next shop hop?

Challenge your Customers

11117The key to owning a successful shop is catering to the needs of ALL of your customers.  That means you have to offer programs and classes for beginners; those who love handwork; AND those who love to think outside of the box.  You probably already know which customers would love a challenge.  These are the students who always have to tweak a pattern.  They need to make every design their own.

Pat Pease and Wendy Hill to the rescue.  Their new book – Creative Quilt Challenges offers seven challenges that would each be the basis of a great class. Item #11117  Retail $29.95

These women teamed up to create some amazing quilts by following the challenges in the book.  Learn tips and tricks from each challenge that will make everyone better quilters.

Check out these samples of the quilts they created.  Can you guess what the challenge was???

Why not start a group in your shop today?  The completed works would be a great exhibit at your next quilt show!

A Creative Grids® Sampler – the Perfect Class Series

Item #DH1601  Retail $14.00

This is the PERFECT class/demo sampler!  Deb Heatherly who created the Cat’s Cradle and Strippy Stars tool designed this sampler quilt which features five different Creative Grids® tools.

Each session, teach them how to use a different Creative Grids® tool. Each tool retails for less than $20 which makes the entire project very affordable when spread over a series of classes.

Cat’s Cradle Tool
Item #CGRDH1  Retail $17.95

Strippy Stars Tool
Item #CGRDH2  Retail $17.95

Eight Inch Log Cabin Trim Tool
Item #CGRJAW1  Retail $19.45

Six Inch Log Cabin Trim Tool
Item #CGRJAWMN6  Retail $17.95

Six Inch Square on Square Trim Tool
Item #CGRJAW7  Retail $17.95

AND, these tools are not one trick ponies!  There are a host of companion patterns and books to support them.  Once your students learn how to use the tool,   they will want to make more!  Encourage them to work on additional projects each month instead of working ahead!  This satisfies the over-achiever in every class!

The pattern sheets are individual so you may choose to give them the pages that feature the blocks as they make them each month.

These are not professional photos – the slippers at the bottom of one pick may be a giveaway! But I wanted to share the pics from Deb’s test class.  Since the quilt only requires five different fabrics – a background and four shades of a color (light, medium light, medium and dark) – it is easy for the students to pick out their favorite colorway.

Why not show these to your students so they can picture it in different fabrics.7e91d585-0fb7-4f47-987b-932ce3f79c7f

Why not take a few minutes to pick out several different colorways for those who don’t like to pick out fabrics?  And of course, scrappy is always a choice!