Guaranteed Sales – Part One

As I am writing this, Laura Heine has 13 patterns in the Checker 100!  To see all of Laura’s patterns click on this link to visit our website.  Laura has three new releases that will be arriving any day.

Welcome Billie, Chirp, Chirp and Hazel Nutt to her line of top selling patterns.

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All of these would make great classes.  Why not pre-order yours today?


Create with Cardboard

Rinske Stevens Designs provides everything you need to create heirloom quality covered boxes for every room in your house – and every occasion!









Or make a collapsible Victorian sewing box or journal cover.










What makes these special is that they also sell the hardware to give each piece that heirloom quality look.










Can you imagine featuring embroidery designs on these projects?  What a great wedding gift, Mother’s Day gift – you get the picture!  Visit our website to see the entire line of Rinske Stevens Design products.


Its All in the Hoop!

I love it when I fall in love with a pattern – and see that it is “Volume One” – which means there is going to be more goodness to come!  In Kim’s own words: Kimberbell Noteables are composition book covers that turn ordinary writing paper into a noteworthy journal. Each machine embroidered cover is fully lined, durable, and reusable and best of all, each are made (even pieced!) entirely in-the-hoop!

kd539-1There are four different options for the small size; two for the medium size; and two for the large.  The best news?  They are all totally done in the hoop!

Wouldn’t these be great gifts for children and adults alike?  Who wouldn’t love a personal journal or diary?  Or, personalize them for members of your book club….or make them for your favorite teacher.  Have shower participants write encouraging notes to the future brides or expectant mother.  The gift possibilities are endless!



The Life is Better in Full Bloom is organized so that you can learn eight different techniques.  This 39-inch square wall hanging features yo-yos; three-dimensional pinwheels, and a variety of other techniques.  The detailed instructions will guide you each step of the way.










But, this would be a great class as well.  Why not teach this in your shop?  Kimberbell has provided everything you need to start a shop program.

kd187gThe shop guide includes:
+ Tips
+ Kit Cutting Instructions
+ Punch Card Reward System
+ Promotional Materials (Build the buzz and you’re going to have higher sign-ups!)
+ A Shop Sample Pattern
+ A List of Possible Add-on Sales

A shop just needs 1 Life Is Better In Full Bloom Shop Guide and can order the accompanying patterns for each participant at your shop.


These patterns are expected to arrive this month so order them now so you can start Spring off with a bang!

Dear Jane – In Wool

For those of you who are not familiar with the Jane A. Stickle quilt, it was originally made during the Civil War – 1863 and is signed by the maker.  Not only is it signed, she also stated that the quilt contains 5,602 pieces!  The center is pieced from 169 – four and a half inch finished blocks.  The border is created from 56 pieced triangles for a total of 225 different blocks.


Brenda Papadakis has drawn the blocks and included them all in her Dear Jane book – a quilt which is on the bucket list for many experienced quilters!  Now, Jackie Apessos of Lake View Primitives is creating beautiful kits out of hand-dyed wool.  There are individual kits for each row, the borders, corners, and even a completer kit.  Each kit includes an ample supply of wool and floss needed to complete the blocks or triangles.



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Why not start creating your heirloom quality quilt today?



Gift Tags for Every Occasion

You know I love everything Kimberbell and LOVE this new machine embroidery pattern – all done in the hoop!  There is a style for every gift giving occasion.










The CD includes eight different sizes and over 30 different printable gift tags.  Choose from a variety of sentiments:  Hello, Congrats, Thanks, Happy Birthday, or Thinking of You!

Choose a gift tag or holder for a gift card.  Or, make a larger size that is big enough to hold treasures such as a favorite book, note cards, lotions, or your favorite things.

These are so cute that a gift of giftables would be a gift in itself!  Who wouldn’t love to receive their own personal supply?  Change the fabrics to change the entire look – and holiday!

A Shop Program by Kimberbell

Let’s face it, we love everything by Kim – and now she has developed a shop program just for you.  I don’t want to mess this up so I copied and pasted exactly what they said:


Created specifically for machine dealers and quilt shop owners, our original program will bring customers into your business and have them returning each month for more.

For a one-time price per shop location, Kimberbell grants permission to the dealer for the electronic file transfer to customer USB only. The designs may be included with class registration, kit sale, or an embroidery club membership fee, but may not be sold individually. Instructions for each project may also be copied for the customer. Kimberbell Designs does not limit the number of customers you are allowed to make copies for, which means your in-store club or class can be as big as you like!

Volume 1 features twelve exceptional projects designs for a 5×7 hoop or smaller. Each one is perfect for an embroidery club or monthly class, product demo, or make-and take. You’ll be delighted with the additional sizes and options included with several of the designs, plus the bonus table runner that incorporates both sewing and embroidery!

Kimberbell Dealer Exclusives provides the content to start an embroidery club at your shop and solves the dilemma of what to teach month to month. The projects can be presented in the order you desire. This means the club could begin any time of the year or, you can choose a favorite project for a special shop event. Tools for teaching and Kimberbell’s quality instructions are all part of the package so your customers will feel success trying new products and techniques.

Your binder will include:

  • Tabbed dividers to organize 13 projects
  • Project instructions with step-by-step photos
  • Shop Guide for each project

The program CD includes:

  • Formats for all embroidery machines (ART, DST, EXP, HUS, JEF, PES, VIP, VP3, XXX)
  • SVG files for all appliqué pieces, plus tip sheet
  • Printable PDF of project instructions
  • PowerPoint presentations for teaching
  • Customer Binder Cover Insert
  • High resolution images with promotional copy for email, social media, and website
  • Templates and taglines for vinyl poster display (We will also send you the 11×17″ vinyl project poster with the tabletop display stand!)

The Shop Guide includes:

  • Fabric measurements are calculated for cutting project kits
  • Support products list (stabilizer, batting, paper tape, etc.)
  • Lists of Kimberbellishments (ribbons and buttons – so every project can be finished Kimberbell cute!)
  • Project skills to be taught and optional sizes
  • List of Kimberbell products featuring similar techniques

Projects include:

  • Candy Heart Pocket Tag
  • Checkity-check Check Composition Book
  • Cute & Crabby Towel Set
  • Dimensional Mylar Applique: {Leaves}
  • “Do You Want to Stitch a Snowman?” Mug Rug
  • Embroidered Cupcake Birthday Card
  • Floral Cutwork Napkin
  • Machine Embroider by Number: {Love at Home}
  • Peek-a-boo Bunny Tea Towel
  • Whimsy Flower Cinch Bag
  • “You Are Loved” Pocket TAg
  • Zippity-zip Key Fob
  • Bonus Project: Pop of Summer Table Runner

The only thing I can add?  Pictures that show the projects!  How cute are these???  And, I love the diversity!

































Don’t you love it when the nicest people are so talented too???


Fast, Easy and Adorable

Need a quick gift – or several gifts?  Check out these bibs and purses by Easy Peasy.  All of these can be made in an afternoon so they are great choices for classes – and would be great ways to demonstrate sewing machines!














To make it even easier?  Use the pre-cut bibs by Bosal and the darling trims with crocheted edging by Vintage Door.









Or use these trims to create these darling purses:

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These purses use the pre-cut mug rugs by Bosal.  Wouldn’t these be darling Easter gifts for  those little darlings in your life???  Both would be great classes – and a great way to showcase these trims!

Christmas Throughout the Year – Part Two

The holiday season is all about  food – and the gifts can be as well!  These gifts can add that awe factor as well.  Invited to Thanksgiving dinner?  Why not give the hostess a table runner for a hostess gift?  This Triangle Frenzy Runner is a great way to showcase a beautiful stripe and can be completed in an afternoon!  It only has 14 pieces so you can definitely make more than one!










Giving a kitchen related gift?  Why not include a set of place mats?  Here are two great options!  Take Four uses four fat quarters so it is easy to kit and fast to make!  Inside Out Mats feature a no binding technique that means a set of four can be completed in an afternoon!










Baking cookies a family tradition?  Why not make matching aprons for everyone?  I love this version which comes in Mother/Daughter sizes and is lined.  Why not make the lining a light fabric?  Then everyone can sign each other’s aprons as a lasting memory!










Do you give gifts of candy?  Why not present it in a Fat Quarter Pop-Up?  The gift that keeps on giving!










Think outside of the box!


Christmas Throughout the Year – Part One

I know that the holidays are now a warm memory, but lets take a moment to reflect and do what we can to minimize stress for 2017.  Sounds crazy – but hear me out!  Make a list, or review the list, of everyone you gave gifts to this year.  Then modify – who did you wish you would have thanked with a little something?

Over half of the top 100 patterns are not quilts!  They are smaller projects that can be made in an afternoon, are easy to mass produce, and would make great little gifts or add that awe factor to others.  Why not start a series of classes to help your customers prepare for the season?



Gift cards and tickets to events are always a favorite.  Why not make a collection of Gifty Card Holders?  You can make a dozen in an afternoon out of 10″ squares.  An added bonus?  You know the recipient will reuse them as well – Go Green!  Sell sergers?  Show that edging as a quick and easy alternative.






This Open Wide! bag designed by Annie Unrein is easy to make and comes in three sizes.  A set of all three would be a great gift or split them up and fill them with a little something.  The zipper has never been simpler – it is bound on each side and then attached so anyone can do it – and is a great demo.






These ornaments also come in three sizes and are the perfect package tag for those special gifts.  Instructions include a six petal or eight petal version.  Date and sign the back for a lasting memory.  These would be great favors for a party.  Picture your table with a star i the center of each plate…..





Everyone loves candles.  Why not add that awe factor by including a holder with the gift?  This is also a great opportunity to play with those decorative stitches on your machine….








Have some quilting friends?  Wouldn’t they love this arm chair pin cushion and organizer? Fill it with sewing essentials – the perfect gift for those who are just getting started or need a travel kit.

Many of these are great gifts to make with friends and family as well.  Why not plan family craft days so the kids can help make gifts for their teachers?

Kitted Mug Rugs are Full of Charm

I love these mug rugs by Stitches of Love Quilting!  They come two ways – buy the individual patterns OR buy the kits which include pre-cut fused fabric and everything you need to make it – including backing, binding and embellishments.  The kits are priced at under $20!

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Now picture the kits and patterns with a sample of each hanging on your wall for your next shop hop!  Display a different one at the register each month. The kits include the pattern so your customers can make more than one – and they WILL make more than one – so be sure to include some appropriate fat quarters and embellishments in the display.

Each mug rug measures 5 1/2 x 7 inches so they are also easy to mail. Everyone has someone who could use a pick me up.  Can you imagine getting one of these each month? Or make several and save them for gifts. They are that perfect little something…