Charming by Gerri Robinson

Gerri Robinson’s “Charming” line by Penny Rose Fabrics is due to arrive this month. Her combination of navy, blue, and taupe is striking. Check out a sampling of the colors and prints.












And the support for this line is amazing! Each pattern includes two different quilts that compliment each other in style and substance.

Blooming Baskets includes seven different appliques showcased in a beautiful star setting and a star version. The border would add interest to any quilt. Not a fan of applique?  No problem – make the entire quilt in stars.









Hidden Shoofly and Flutter look totally different buy both settings actually highlight star blocks. Why not offer a class and give your students a choice of settings?









Blossom provides impressive negative space to showcase elaborate quilting. Flower Patch Blossoms fulls that space with additional flowers.









Garden Rows and Scattered Seeds are reminiscent of Irish Chain quilts. Wow!









Last but not least is Windmills – a fast and easy quilt made from 2 1/2″ strips.






Be sure to order the patterns now so you can display them with the fabric when it arrives. The hardest part is going to be deciding which quilt to make!

Sewing Accessories with Style

This new Honey Hive by Kathy Schmitz is simply stunning!  It is a five-inch square and could be the perfect wrapping for a special gift.  The ribbon is laced through beads to close. Tweedy Bird is a charming needle case.









The handwork includes a variety of stitches so they would make a great class. You still have time to make one or both for your quilting friends. The patterns are due to arrive this month so order them now.

Ovals ARE Easy

Add Karla Alexander’s sense of style and color sense – and classes will sell out immediately!  I am one of those people who came from an applique background so sewing curves on a machine wasn’t a part of my skill set until now!  Look how gorgeous…
























These are Cut Loose Press™ patterns that are stunning. Leaves is a perfect class. They can actually finish this in an afternoon. Then demo the Clam shell quilt and Capiz Lanterns. The lantern quilt would be a perfect Christmas quilt.

Enchanted will have everyone anticipating the holiday seasons. Trading Places and Spin Cycle actually make me think I could make art quilts – and you could too!
















You need to challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone – and I guarantee you will be successful and love every minute of it!

Mini Curvy Log Cabins Have Entered the Building

When you ask, we listen! Thousands of you have fallen in love with the six and eight-inch Creative Grids® Curvy Log Cabins that make twelve and sixteenth-inch circles. But sometimes smaller is just plain fun so welcome the four-inch Curvy Log Cabin to the family!























These smaller blocks are just as fun and easy to make as the other sizes – with even more accentuated curves. Check out the possibilities with these Cut Loose Press™ patterns.

Fried Green Tomatoes includes a table runner and a set of place mats. Yin and Yang pillows show how block placement creates a totally different look.







Little Runaway Pinwheels below really shows how this smaller size sings! Round the World Tote has an Asian influence.








Circle of Love is an unusual setting that shows this block off to its fullest!






You already know who will want this one so order them now!

Paper-Piecing for Beginners









I have always loved Judy Niemeyer designs but didn’t have the time to make many of her larger projects.  That is why I am loving these smaller ones that showcase one technique and, in some cases, can be done in an afternoon.

My Two Baby Sisters showcases two six inch blocks and a twelve-inch block which use the exact same technique to create this eight pointed star.  What a great class!  Who doesn’t want to learn how to make these blocks without fussing with inset and Y-seams? Additional papers are available because you know these will become go-to gifts.

This Poinsettia design makes piecing circles simple – and at 30″, is the perfect centerpiece for a round table.  Once again, additional papers are available.









Fractured Star in an 80″ square.  In Judell’s words:  The Fractured Star was designed as a beginner pattern to introduce quilters paper piecing. The project is fast, uses only 1 foundation block, employs simple cutting techniques, and is an affordable and fun way to jump into your first paper piecing project. It is meant to make those new to the process find confidence, understanding, and success.

I can’t say it any better than that so why even try???









These patterns are due to arrive in August so consider them for your Fall series of classes!

The Perfect Retreat Gift

Many of you are planning Fall retreats or events so when I saw these bags by Tacony, I thought of you.  They are reasonably priced and would be great “party favors” for ANY event.







They measure  15″ x 13 3/4″ x 4″ so they are big enough to carry a large project or show their love of quilting at the grocery store!  The first two are in stock now, the third is due to arrive the beginning of September.  Since you will want to order these in quantities, order them now!

Instant Gratification with Chickadee Hollow Designs

How easy is this????  Chickadee Hollow Designs has pre-printed embroidery designs on fabric and even shaded them to add that awe factor.








Check out our website to see the entire selection of designs available in red and blue work.  Or expand your thread palette and embroider this series of four baskets – made to be framed or showcased in a project.
















These designs are due to arrive any day..  Why not order them now?  They would be a great project for a mother/daughter class this summer!

Table Runners for Every Table

When a book is already in the top 100 – and isn’t due to be released until August, I take notice….and so should you!









Sherri Falls of This and That has created 20 table runners showcasing a variety of techniques.















This book would be a great basis of a series of classes.  Kit and create a table runner each month and demonstrate the featured techniques.  Order it now so you will receive the first shipment.  This one is already a hit – and less than $20, it is a bargain!

Be Inspired to Try Collage!

When twenty patterns using the same technique are in the top 100, you better take notice!  Many shops are paying their rent with these patterns and classes by Laura Heine.  What about you????  If you are a little nervous, start out by reading her book on choosing fabrics.  But remember – everyone who takes a class will want a copy as well….






Then choose your favorite art piece:






































































Be sure to have plenty of thread on hand!


Instant Gratification

We all love instant gratification – and these new patterns scheduled for Market release by Gudrun Erla of GE Designs are just that.  And, at $6.50 retail, your customers will pick them up like candy!

These Quilt as you Go patterns are also quick and easy classes – and they will go home with a finished project!























Why not demonstrate how fast it is to cut the needed strips with the Stripology or Stripology Squared?  Stack the fabrics and cut out an entire pattern in less than five minutes!







Or teach Nova – a quilt made with 10″ squares which are sub-cut with the Stripology Squared ruler.






Or showcase them on a demo day!  Your customers will be glad you did!