Shop Hops and Shows – Part One

Time is always at a premium – especially this time of year. Why not focus on making samples that take just a few hours instead of days? After all our customers are looking for those kinds of projects as well!

This simple apron is so simple because there are no buttons, ties or straps. It is totally reversible and can be finished in an afternoon. But don’t just buy the pattern! Set up a vignette – pull fun fabrics and display them together. Add a sign – Turn just two yards of fabric into the perfect gift for everyone on your list (Don’t forget the members of your gourmet club and cookie exchange). Add a cookbook for that perfect shower gift. You can never have too many!

To see our Shop Hop Guide Event Ideas and Inspiration booklet, click here

Finally – Great Ruler Storage

Annie Unrein to the rescue! We all have been looking for a great way to store – and carry – our rulers. This ruler wrap is perfect!

In your sewing room, it is designed to hang on the back of a door in all of its 72″ glory. There is a multitude of pockets to hold the rulers AND a pocket designed to hold a cutting mat.

It can be folded up to two sizes – one if you are transporting a mat and the other for rulers.










What a great basis for a class! Machine quilt the foundation, learn how to insert zippers, use mesh, bind units, install hardware…okay a series of classes!

New from Wing and a Prayer design

These new patterns and fabric line from Wing and a Prayer design are stunning! And each pattern provides a teachable moment which adds the awe factor to each project.

This simple pillow provides the perfect foundation for a machine quilting class. Quilt the piece and add the snipped strips to create the counterpane.

Diamond in the Rough features folded dimensional fabric strips – a great way to add texture.

Quarry includes instructions in three sizes. Look how the design creates depth with color.

Stacked Stones features raw edge applique that are accented with a trapunto technique.

All of these designs were created with the new Quarry fabric line by Timeless Treasures. This is just a sampling of the line:
































Fabric and patterns are due to arrive next month!

I’m All Ears – Bunny Ears

These bunnies are so cute and easy, they can still be made in time for Easter – but will add a touch of whimsy throughout Spring.












I’m All Ears uses just two fat eighths and would be the perfect project for an impromptu Make It Take It class over Spring break. Have plenty of coordinating fat eighths on hand. Display the template plastic next to the patterns because who can stop at just one? These sheets come two to a pack and are less than $3.00 a pack – well worth the investment!







Have some friends over and start an assembly line. You will have dozens in no time.After the big day, use them in lunch boxes. Or who said that egg hunts – or in this case bunny – hunts can only be one day a year?

McKenna Ryan Returns to her “Bear” Roots

McKenna’s new series – 12 Months of Happy – features a family of bears celebrating life throughout the year. Combine the blocks into a quilt or combine three blocks to celebrate each season.































































These patterns all feature Hoffman fabrics and will be shipping next month. Laser Cut kits and embellishment kits will also be available. Check our website for details: 12 Months of Happy.

The Latest from Laura Heine

Laura’s collages are always popular and the next two – due to arrive the first week in March – are sure to tug at your heartstrings! Caleb is dressed to seat a queen. While Seawell is ready for a swim.

Special Delivery has already arrived and would be the perfect centerpiece for a baby shower! And this angel – in real life – is simply stunning. I had an opportunity to see it at Road to California.

Why not add them to your class schedule today?

Angela Walters and Flying Geese

I can’t wait for you to watch Angela Walter’s video.

Her machine quilting tools have been so popular that we haven’t been able to keep them in stock – but they are NOW!!! In this video, Angela shows how to use Slim, one of the characters in her arsenal of tools. The entire demo is done with a Cut Loose Press™ pattern created with the Creative Grids® Ultimate Flying Geese Tool.


The magic happens on this Cut Loose Press™ pattern – Wild and Free featuring fabric by Tula Pink and solids by Kaufman.

What a great series of classes! Learn how to use the flying geese tool, make the table runner, and then machine quilt it yourself. Talk about a trifecta!

Paper-Piecing with a Little Bit of Whimsey

Super Cute Paper Piecing by Charise Randell is full of charming little projects that provide instant gratification. These little bits of paper-piecing are the perfect foundation for totes, bags, pouches, pillows, and even a small quilt.

In this case, the projects are so cute, you don’t need any commentary from me:


What a great way to add paper-piecing to your skill set! And, if you already paper-piece, this book is a no-brainer!

Decorate your Door with Style

These are designed as door banners but are great anywhere in your house! I love everything that Stacy West of Buttermilk Basin designs – and with this series, she has outdone herself.

I enlarged one of the patterns so that you can see the details that make each hexie banner so charming.




There are twelve in the series – one for each month – but many can stand alone. May, for instance, spells out SEW; June spells out HOME; and August spells FARM. These are perfect stand alone banners that would be great gifts.

These banners measure 9″ x 23 1/2″ and would be great kitted in the Henry Glass wool line by Stacy herself! These have been so popular that they sell out quickly but a new order is due to arrive this week so order NOW!

Whimsical Snowmen

Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs is releasing a new applique quilt next month that would make a perfect Block of the Month!

It’s all about the details – and the details make this quilt sing! Just check it out!

There is even an embellishment pack so you don’t have to look for all of those cute buttons that are just the right size! Start it now and it will be done in time for Winter – next Winter that is!