Explore your Inner Child – Part Two

A trip to the zoo has never been more fun with these whimsical animals from The Whole Country Caboodle. The pattern includes the pre-cut, pre-fused fabrics.






























Children of ALL ages will smile! Make one block and add borders for a quilt. Center another design on the side of a diaper bag. Frame one above the changing table. Make a pillow for the rocker out of another. The nursery is done! These are not due to arrive until September but you have nine months to plan for a baby  so I wanted you to know these will be available before the due date!

Check out Whole Country Caboodle to see other possibilities.







Explore your Inner Child – Part One

It doesn’t matter if you are 6 months or sixty – these critters designed by Vanilla House Designs are sure to make you smile!

Can’t you picture them on the wall of a nursery or child’s bedroom? The focal point of a sunroom?  The backdrop of a playroom? Stretch them over a canvas and they become a work of art – no binding required. These gems are due to arrive this month so order them now.

McKenna Ryan Returns to her “Bear” Roots

McKenna’s new series – 12 Months of Happy – features a family of bears celebrating life throughout the year. Combine the blocks into a quilt or combine three blocks to celebrate each season.































































These patterns all feature Hoffman fabrics and will be shipping next month. Laser Cut kits and embellishment kits will also be available. Check our website for details: 12 Months of Happy.

Whimsical Snowmen

Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs is releasing a new applique quilt next month that would make a perfect Block of the Month!

It’s all about the details – and the details make this quilt sing! Just check it out!

There is even an embellishment pack so you don’t have to look for all of those cute buttons that are just the right size! Start it now and it will be done in time for Winter – next Winter that is!

Lunch Hour Projects in Wool

I know when a book is in the top 50 at Checker – and isn’t due to arrive until March, we have a winner. And, in this case, the reputation of the author and designer speaks volumes!





Kathy Brown of Teacher’s Pet has created fourteen of the most adorable projects that really can be completed in a lunch hour or two. Look at these charming examples:






































We all need that little something throughout the year to let people know we care. Why not teach a wool class – and kit these projects for a register display. These are the type of projects that everyone will make in quantities. After all, who could resist making journals for everyone in their book club? You get the idea! The book arrives in March – just when customers are looking for handwork for vacation travels. Stock up on wool now!

Charming by Gerri Robinson

Gerri Robinson’s “Charming” line by Penny Rose Fabrics is due to arrive this month. Her combination of navy, blue, and taupe is striking. Check out a sampling of the colors and prints.












And the support for this line is amazing! Each pattern includes two different quilts that compliment each other in style and substance.

Blooming Baskets includes seven different appliques showcased in a beautiful star setting and a star version. The border would add interest to any quilt. Not a fan of applique?  No problem – make the entire quilt in stars.









Hidden Shoofly and Flutter look totally different buy both settings actually highlight star blocks. Why not offer a class and give your students a choice of settings?









Blossom provides impressive negative space to showcase elaborate quilting. Flower Patch Blossoms fulls that space with additional flowers.









Garden Rows and Scattered Seeds are reminiscent of Irish Chain quilts. Wow!









Last but not least is Windmills – a fast and easy quilt made from 2 1/2″ strips.






Be sure to order the patterns now so you can display them with the fabric when it arrives. The hardest part is going to be deciding which quilt to make!

Instant Gratification with Laser Cut Quilts

Laser Cut Quilts by Maddie Hastings has developed multiple designs that include laser cut fabric. These patterns are like jigsaw puzzles for quilters – with style.



These kits are due to arrive in September and include all of the pieces to create the design but do not include the background, backing, and binding. What a great way to introduce scrap booking friends to quilting!


New Releases by Edyta Sitar

California is obviously agreeing with her because Edyta Sitar of Laundry Basket Quilts is designing a wide variety of projects – each with her classic style.

I love applique so this is definitely my favorite.  Did you notice that the applique borders don’t meet at the corners?  This gives you a little bit of a fudge factor so you can applique all of them before attaching it to the quilt.  How portable is that??









No pictures yet, but the item numbers for the pre-packaged appliques are on the website. For those of you who have her latest blue line of fabrics, the following quilts are a great way to use up some scraps!








I love earth tones so these quilts spoke to me and show why Edyta is the queen of color! Once again, the appliques are available.















Need some instant gratification?  Why not choose this darling design that is a perfect wall hanging or pillow.






You already know who will want them so why not share this article and have your customers pre-order them?

The Perfect Solids for Applique

Me and You by Hoffman offers an incredible line of solids that have the feel and characteristics of batiks – which means they don’t fray and ravel, the perfect choice for raw edge applique.  And, JoAnn Hoffman’s new designs due in this month showcase them perfectly!









The design detail in these two projects truly transforms them into a work of art.  Look how the hands form a secondary star pattern in Sisters of the Cloth.  The muted quilts in the background of the Yoder Sisters is a subtle touch that adds that awe factor that we all love!  Her attention to detail is what brings these solids alive!  To see the complete collection, visit our website:  Me and You Solids

This is the same gal that brought us the Dragonfly and Butterfly patterns that made batiks sing.













Be sure to take the time to study her fabric choices.  Her designs look like Tiffany glass!

You Lucky Dog

“You Lucky Dog” is the latest Block of the Month by Bonnie Sullivan that features her top quality Woolie Flannels.









The individual blocks are simply darling and each could be stand alone projects.  And once again, there is a thread set to match!













































There are eleven blocks in the series – which leaves the twelfth month to put it all together. The demand for these patterns is so great that we can not keep them in stock – Bonnie can not print them fast enough!  Who says you have to start with #1?  Blocks five through eleven are in stock now, so why not buck the trend and reverse the order?

Want to get your sample done quickly?  The entire quilt with pre-cut appliques is due to ship next month!