New Arrivals from Cut Loose Press™ Patterns

Peppermint Twist (#CLPSCH002) is a darling table runner by Sheila Christensen that features the Creative Grids® Half Sixty ruler. Since you cut a multitude of shapes to create the candies, it is a great choice for a class!

Peppermint Twist

Creative Grids Half Sixty Triangle Ruler

Hearts on the Half Square (#CLPPHA015) was designed by yours truly so I am a little prejudice! It is made with 80 layer cakes. My family calls this the wedding quilt because I have made so many of them for wedding gifts. The hearts are the perfect size for signatures and messages for the honored couple. At 75 x 91 inches, it is the perfect size for cuddling. It also works great as a memory quilt for any event: graduations, anniversaries, babies…

Hearts On The Half Square Quilt

Since this quilt is made with half-square triangles created from ten-inch squares, I used the 15-inch Creative Grids® Seam Guide Tool (#CGRSMN15) to mark the sewing lines. It is specifically designed to span the diagonal of a 10″ square!

Creative Grids 15in Seam Guide Tool

Putting the top together is a breeze when all of the half-square triangles are trimmed to the exact same size!

Creative Grids Half-Square 4-in-1 Triangle Quilt Ruler

Charmed Hearts (#CLPPHA014) is made with 80 charm squares pieced into offset four-patches. Or, if you make Hearts on the Half-Square – and carefully trim the excess fabric out behind the hearts, you get a twofer!

Charmed Hearts

Since this is made with five inch squares, the 2 1/2″ width of the I love my Quilting Friends ruler (#CGRQF26 )works great to cut the four-patches.

Creative Grids I Love My Quilt Friends Mini Quilt Ruler 2-1/2in x 6in

If you like to do handwork, the hearts for both quilts can be appliqued. The Gypsy Quilter Freezer Paper (#TGQFP811H) is recommended. It comes in 8 1/2″ x 11″ sheets so you can trace one page of hearts and run it through a home printer to save tracing time.

But, if you prefer machine embroidery, use Print-N-Fuse (#PNF25). It is also available in 8 1/2″ x 11″ sheets so the hearts can be copied on a home printer. Follow the package instructions to fuse the stabilizer on the back and fuse in place.

Deb Heatherly designed this Hexagon Pillow (#CLPDHE039 )to showcase a favorite print or photo transfer. What a cute, easy project – and a great gift.

Hexagon Frame Pillow

A friend of Deb’s made this Hogwarts version – I have some grandchildren who would love this version!

Hexagon Frame Pillow

Since Cut Loose Press™ patterns are printed on demand, they are always in stock!

Amazing Quilts by Grace

The detail in her quilts is simply stunning! In Ribbit, for instance, she uses Hoffman batiks to “color” every nuance of the scene. The fully-illustrated instructions explain exactly how to create your own masterpiece.


In this case, a picture is worth a thousand words – and here are some pics of her most popular designs.

Ruby Poinsettia
Midnight Frolic
With This Fish
Forever Friends

Swimming With The Fishes

To see all of her patterns,visit our website: Amazing Quilts by Grace. What a great series of classes!

New Releases by One Sister

Crazy Good Life by Janet Rae Nesbitt of One Sister contains 12 projects, 9 from the original One Crazy Sister Club, PLUS 3 new projects!

Crazy Good Life
Crazy Good Life

Who doesn’t love mariner’s compass and houses – and combined? Stunning!

Crazy Good Life
Crazy Good Life

The book is due to arrive in the middle of August and is the perfect companion to her new fabric line from Henry Glass, Scrap Happy by Janet Nesbitt Collection due out in January.

Assortment Scrap Happy, 27pcs x 12yds

Kimberbell Snuggles

What a great series of classes! In her own words: “Let the adventure begin” with The Snuggle is Real collection! Sweetly designed for babies and toddlers, each of the 14 patterns include a variety of techniques such as Vinyl, Embroidery Leather, Applique Glitter, decorative stitching, and more.

The Snuggle is Real: Petite Applique CD

Who wouldn’t love to have a collection of these on hand for last minute gifts – and learn knew techniques along the way! She has even designed body suits in three sizes: 3-6 month; 6-9 month; and 9-12 month and two colors: Koala Grey and Blushing Peach! They come two to a pack.

Made from soft and snuggly 100% cotton, each bodysuit is completely open on one side, making the garment easy to hoop. After adding your embroidered design, sew up the side with a simple straight stitch.

Baby Bodysuits - Blushing Peach (6-9 Months) - Pack of 2
Baby Bodysuits - Koala Grey (6-9 Months) - Pack of 2

Everything is scheduled to be in stock the middle of July so order them now. We need to stockpile them for all of those Corona babies!!!

The latest from Laura Heine

Innocence is a wall hanging that is charming and has a special meaning for Laura. In her words: This is a personal quilt. I made it with scraps that I have collected over a period of time. I am hoping that you will make it personal for you too. All pieces were scraps or no bigger than fat 1/8’s. Use the swatch photo as a guide, or change it to suit yourself. All proceeds of this pattern will be donated to Sisters of the Movement. Check them out at

Innocence Collage Pattern by Laura Heine

Who doesn’t love Homemade? And this quilt is just the ticket!

Homemade Collage Pattern by Laura Heine

Latte is #15 in a series of 8″ blocks that are a great introduction to Laura’s techniques. They look great framed, as pillows, or combine several and make a quilt!

Whatevers! #15 Latte

These are due to arrive in the next few weeks so place your order now.

Dry Ideas

This quarantine has brought back so many memories of my grandma! (Who knew that house dresses would be back in style!) She always had a half-filled sink of soapy water and a towel on the counter with a rack on top to dry the dishes. So when Kristine Poor of Poorhouse Designs submitted this pattern, I was all in! So many teachable moments!!!

It uses pre-cut sheets of In-R-Form to make it even easier to have a class – and they will go home with a finished project! Or do a little video and sell the kits on-line!

Dry Ideas Drying Mat In-R-Form Sew in Foam

After this quarantine, you should have a lot of new customers who dug out their old sewing machines to make masks – and now want new projects. This is the perfect beginner project! Teach them strip-piecing, paper-piecing, (yes, those wine glasses are paper-pieced) top-stitching with micro-tec needles… Remember – these new sewers probably came from clothing and are used to 5/8″ seams so there will be a learning curve!

Kristine has also written a pocket guide to Interfacings. Many of your customers have not worked with this product before so it is another educational opportunity!

Guide to Interfacings

They are due to arrive this month so order now!

Sew Cherished in the Round

I LOVE this new round the year series by Sew Cherished! All of her designs have that awe factor that you just can’t resist! These 10″ wool circles are the perfect handwork project and would be a great wool Round of the Month!

A Round the Year June
A Round the Year July
A Round the Year August

We already have pics on the website for the first three. The next three are entered – but we don’t have the pics yet! Don’t you love a surprise – especially when they are this cute???

I love the stand because it is 22″ high so it adds height to any display. Smaller things can be showcased around the base to create a charming vignette! The designer used sew-in magnets to attach the wool design!

Black Round Stand

The patterns and stand are all due to arrive later this month.

Hoop Easy Is THAT Easy

I do not have an embroidery machine YET so I have deferred to an expert for this post. Nichole Schneider is a Checker buyer and knows everything there is to know about the subject!

Hoop Easy Cotton Batting from The Gypsy Quilter® Stitcher Series

Do you ever have a need for just a little bit of batting? This easy to use roll of 100% natural cotton batting is perfect for all your quilt-as-you-go or in-the-hoop projects.  I love it for small projects or for use in limited spaces. The convenient roll is super easy to use and space-saving to store.  The 10 or 12-inch roll is a great thing to have on hand for small projects!

When combined with 100% cotton thread and fabric, batting is microwave safe for up to 6 minutes- in 2-minute intervals.

Hoop Easy Cotton Batting 10in x 10yds
Hoop Easy Cotton Batting 12in x 10yds

Pro tip: Hoop your preferred stabilizer and float batting in the hoop.  Use this batting to give a little extra loft to in the hoop projects- especially the arms and legs of stuffed animals.

Hoop Easy Embroidery Batting – Cotton Poly Batting with Scrim from The Gypsy Quilter® Stitcher Series

Finally! Batting that supports your stitches WITHOUT additional stabilizer. Hoop the embroidery batting and off you go! Supports up to 8,000 stitches per layer. 11% Scrim for added strength and stability, this batting will not shift.

Hoop Easy Embroidery Batting 10in x 10yds
Hoop Easy Embroidery Batting 12in x 10yds

I love this batting for fully enclosed in the hoop projects. The batting IS the stabilizer! Nothing to remove. Simply trim when finished. This is a GREAT stabilizer to use for stuffed animals, pouches and more.   Your project is soft after embroidery and has a really nice loft to it as well.

Pro tip: if you need more stitch count support, simply float a piece of tear away under the hooped batting.

Hoop Easy Stick & Wash Away from The Gypsy Quilter® Stitcher Series

Perfect for hard to hoop items -simply hoop with release paper side up. Once hooped, score release paper with a T-pin and gently peel the paper up. Stick your hard to hoop fabric or item to the adhesive side and embroider. When finished, un-hoop and remove the stabilizer with water. Wash Away stabilizer is great for sheer fabrics and those with an open weave, also excellent for applique. Supports 8,000 stitches per layer.

Hoop Easy Stick & Wash Away Stabilizer 10in x 10yds
Hoop Easy Stick & Wash Away Stabilizer 12in x 10yds

Pro tip: For easy removal- spray backside of the project with water from a mist bottle. Then gently peel off the stabilizer. You can also immerse in water, and the stabilizer will dissolve completely.

Hoop Easy Stick and Tear Away from The Gypsy Quilter® Stitcher Series

Perfect for hard to hoop items. Simply hoop with release paper side up. Once hooped, score release paper with a T-pin and gently peel the paper up. Stick your hard to hoop fabric or item to the adhesive side and embroider. When finished, un-hoop and tear away stabilizer from the project. Supports 8,000 stitches per layer.

Hoop Easy Stick & Tear Away Stabilizer 10in x 10yds
Hoop Easy Stick & Tear Away Stabilizer 12in x 10yds

Pro tip: After embroidering, gently tear off the stabilizer.   

Hoop Easy Sew-In Mesh from The Gypsy Quilter® Stitcher Series

Sew-in Mesh adds stability while retaining the softness of the fabric. This product works great with knits, loose weave fabric, and fleece. It supports up to 8,000 stitches per layer.

Hoop Easy Sew-In Mesh Stabilizer 12in x10yds

Hoop Easy Sew-In Mesh Stabilizer 12in x10yds

Pro tip: Leave this stabilizer in after embroidering. If you need more stabilization- float tear away stabilizer under the hoop.

Hoop Easy Tear Away from The Gypsy Quilter® Stitcher Series

This is the cleanest tear away you’ve ever used. The stabilizer is perforated for a precise tear and easy removal. This works best with woven fabrics and other fabrics that do not stretch.  Supports 8,000 stitches per layer.

Hoop Easy Tear Away Stabilizer 10in x 10yds
Hoop Easy Tear Away Stabilizer 12in x 10yds

Pro tip: If you need more stability, layer up the stabilizer.

Hoop Easy Topper from The Gypsy Quilter® Stitcher Series

Use this topper to prevent stitches from sinking into your fabric. After embroidering, tear topper away, then remove any excess with water.

Hoop Easy Topper 10in x 10yds
Hoop Easy Topper 12in x 10yds

Pro tip:  use topper when embroidering toweling or “furry” fabrics- and the stitching will sit nicely on top!

Gathered Hearts

Many of you have had to close your stores during the quarantine and are looking for ways to connect with your customers. Kitting these Gathered Hearts patterns and mailing them as a block of the month might be just what you need!

Gathered Hearts Thru the Year April
Gathered Hearts Thru the Year May
Gathered Hearts Thru the Year June
Gathered Hearts thru the Year July

Let’s face it! Most of your customers are home and would love some handwork while binge watching something on T.V. Receiving a kit in the mail will bring a smile – and much needed sales to your shop! New patterns and images are being added so you can see ALL of the patterns in the Gathered Hearts series. Some are in stock, some are due to arrive in April. Check our website for availability.

Gathered Hearts Thru the Year September

Wool Applique Heirlooms

The title says it all! This book by Mary A. Blythe includes fifteen different projects – and they all are stunning!

Wool Applique Heirlooms

I think my personal favorite is this Advent Tree. How cute is that? Who can resist pennies?

I had to look twice at this one! It reminds me of my grandma’s canning lids. Such muted colors are stunning!

Neutral Pinwheel Fields2.jpg

But wool can be bright as well – and adding curves to the centerpiece adds another design element.

Fall is my favorite season and these two are beauties!

Add warmth and texture to your home with wool appliqué. Sewing in the popular folk-art style, you’ll stitch fifteen projects, including thirteen heirloom-worthy table mats and two versions of an Advent calendar, on a cotton or wool base. Learn how reverse appliqué brings depth and color to your handwork without the bulk of additional layers. This guide offers advice on choosing and using wool (even scraps!), plus valuable techniques and tips for wool hand stitchers.

Add warmth and texture to your home with wool appliqué. Sewing in the popular folk-art style, you’ll stitch fifteen projects, including thirteen heirloom-worthy table mats and two versions of an Advent calendar, on a cotton or wool base. Learn how reverse appliqué brings depth and color to your handwork without the bulk of additional layers. This guide offers advice on choosing and using wool (even scraps!), plus valuable techniques and tips for wool hand stitchers.

The layering on these two makes them come to life. The petals look three dimensional!

The book is in stock so order it now. We are almost to the handwork season. Don’t you love to have a project that travels well???