These gals are having way too much fun on this retreat! Now they are biking into town to do some major shopping! Can’t wait to see what is in their baskets.
For those of you not familiar with this embroidery block of the month by Crabapple Hill, there are six patterns in the series. Five patterns are embroidery designs and the final pattern gives instructions on how to put the entire project together.
It is kind of a mystery because you don’t know what the completed quilt will look like or at this point, what the final embroidery is! And, frankly, that is part of the fun. Everything that Meg Hawkey does is amazing so we know we will love it!
The latest installment is due to arrive in September so order it now. Don’t forget to order extras of the first three installments for those who are late to arrive at the party. The floss colors for each pattern are listed as companions on the website so be sure to have those in stock as well!