These newest additions by Betty Gormick are sure to make you smile. And, talk about instant gratification – all of them can be made in an afternoon!

These three Cut Loose Press™ patterns require templates that are too big to fit on a traditional Cut Loose Press™ pattern, so we decided to try something new! The full-sized template sheets are accessed through a link included in the pattern. Since they are the right size, you can print them right onto a product like Print N Fuse (Wonder Under cut into 8 1/2″ x 11″ sheets so it can be run through a printer). No tracing is required!
These projects are great choices for classes or kits. Why not include the pattern, templates printed on Print N Fuse, and fabric in a kit. Just remember, you can only give them the templates if they purchase the pattern – talk about great customer service!

This wreath finishes to a whopping 18″ and also teaches how to make a fabric bow.

Why not add these Make It/Take Its to your class schedule today?