Gerri Robinson’s “Charming” line by Penny Rose Fabrics is due to arrive this month. Her combination of navy, blue, and taupe is striking. Check out a sampling of the colors and prints.

And the support for this line is amazing! Each pattern includes two different quilts that compliment each other in style and substance.
Blooming Baskets includes seven different appliques showcased in a beautiful star setting and a star version. The border would add interest to any quilt. Not a fan of applique? No problem – make the entire quilt in stars.

Hidden Shoofly and Flutter look totally different buy both settings actually highlight star blocks. Why not offer a class and give your students a choice of settings?

Blossom provides impressive negative space to showcase elaborate quilting. Flower Patch Blossoms fulls that space with additional flowers.

Garden Rows and Scattered Seeds are reminiscent of Irish Chain quilts. Wow!

Last but not least is Windmills – a fast and easy quilt made from 2 1/2″ strips.

Be sure to order the patterns now so you can display them with the fabric when it arrives. The hardest part is going to be deciding which quilt to make!